CVSROOT:        /cvsroot/lilypond
Module name:    workbook
Changes by:     Han-Wen Nienhuys <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>    05/06/26 21:27:48

Modified files:
        .              : announce.txt 

Log message:


Index: workbook/announce.txt
diff -u workbook/announce.txt:1.3 workbook/announce.txt:1.4
--- workbook/announce.txt:1.3   Mon Jun 20 15:06:47 2005
+++ workbook/announce.txt       Sun Jun 26 21:27:48 2005
@@ -8,15 +8,15 @@
 LilyPond creates beautiful music notation.  It is open source/free
 software, and is available for all popular operating systems. It runs
-on most Unix flavors --including Linux and MacOS X-- and MS
+on most Unix flavors -- including Linux and MacOS X -- and MS
-LilyPond is now truly for Everyone.
+LilyPond is now truly for everyone.
 - For every platform
-  LilyPond now installs in a pinch on any version of Linux, Windows and
-  MacOS X. Get up and running in minutes!
+  LilyPond now installs in a snap on Windows, MacOS X, and any version
+  of Linux. Get up and running in minutes!
 - For every language
@@ -25,13 +25,13 @@
 - For every application
-  Graphically edit music notation as SVG file
+  Create SVG files, and edit them in Inkscape.
 In addition, version 2.6 adds support for
- - staves that start and stop halfway a line
+ - staves starting anywhere on the page.
  - solfa notation
  - arrowed lines
  - better auto-beaming
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
  - cleaner syntax for text markup
  - pagebreaks around titles
  - stemlets on beams
+ - easier titles customization
 Grab it at

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