CVSROOT:        /cvsroot/lilypond
Module name:    lilypond
Changes by:     Jürgen Reuter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>       05/05/09 21:08:38

Modified files:
        .              : ChangeLog 
        Documentation/user: instrument-notation.itely 
        ly             : 
        mf             : 
        scm            : output-lib.scm 

Log message:
        2005-05-09  Jürgen Reuter  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
        * Documentation/user/instrument-notation.itely: petrucci note
        heads: updated docu
        * input/regression/ updated regression test;
        indentation fixes
        * ly/ MensuralVoiceContext: use petrucci note
        heads as default
        * mf/ minor editing; use musicological names
        (rather than optical description) as note head names
        * scm/output-lib.scm: complete petrucci heads
        2005-05-09  Pal Benko  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
        * mf/ add petrucci heads (like neo-mensural
        heads, but bigger)


Index: lilypond/ChangeLog
diff -u lilypond/ChangeLog:1.3582 lilypond/ChangeLog:1.3583
--- lilypond/ChangeLog:1.3582   Mon May  9 19:47:34 2005
+++ lilypond/ChangeLog  Mon May  9 21:08:37 2005
@@ -1,3 +1,24 @@
+2005-05-09  Jürgen Reuter  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
+       * Documentation/user/instrument-notation.itely: petrucci note
+       heads: updated docu
+       * input/regression/ updated regression test;
+       indentation fixes
+       * ly/ MensuralVoiceContext: use petrucci note
+       heads as default
+       * mf/ minor editing; use musicological names
+       (rather than optical description) as note head names
+       * scm/output-lib.scm: complete petrucci heads
+2005-05-09  Pal Benko  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
+       * mf/ add petrucci heads (like neo-mensural
+       heads, but bigger)
 2005-05-09  Jan Nieuwenhuizen  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
        * (gui_b): Add mbrtowc checking.
Index: lilypond/Documentation/user/instrument-notation.itely
diff -u lilypond/Documentation/user/instrument-notation.itely:1.27 
--- lilypond/Documentation/user/instrument-notation.itely:1.27  Mon May  9 
08:19:18 2005
+++ lilypond/Documentation/user/instrument-notation.itely       Mon May  9 
21:08:38 2005
@@ -1954,15 +1954,17 @@
 For ancient notation, a note head style other than the @code{default}
 style may be chosen.  This is accomplished by setting the @code{style}
 property of the @internalsref{NoteHead} object to @code{baroque},
[EMAIL PROTECTED] or @code{mensural}.  The @code{baroque} style
-differs from the @code{default} style only in using a square shape
-for @code{\breve} note heads.  The @code{neomensural} style differs from
-the @code{baroque} style in that it uses rhomboidal heads for whole notes
-and all smaller durations.  Stems are centered on the note heads.
-This style is particularly useful when transcribing mensural music,
-e.g., for the incipit.  The @code{mensural} style finally produces note
-heads that mimic the look of note heads in historic printings of the
-16th century.
[EMAIL PROTECTED], @code{mensural} or @code{petrucci}.  The
[EMAIL PROTECTED] style differs from the @code{default} style only in
+using a square shape for @code{\breve} note heads.  The
[EMAIL PROTECTED] style differs from the @code{baroque} style in that
+it uses rhomboidal heads for whole notes and all smaller durations.
+Stems are centered on the note heads.  This style is particularly
+useful when transcribing mensural music, e.g., for the incipit.  The
[EMAIL PROTECTED] style produces note heads that mimic the look of note
+heads in historic printings of the 16th century.  Finally, the
[EMAIL PROTECTED] style also mimicks historic printings, but uses bigger
+note heads.
 The following example demonstrates the @code{neomensural} style
Index: lilypond/input/regression/
diff -u lilypond/input/regression/ 
--- lilypond/input/regression/   Sat Oct 30 20:55:16 2004
+++ lilypond/input/regression/        Mon May  9 21:08:38 2005
@@ -11,20 +11,19 @@
-pattern =  <<
-      \new Voice {
-        \override Stem  #'direction = #UP
-        e'4
-         e'2. e'1 e'\breve*1/2 e'\longa*1/4
-      }
-      \new Voice {
-        \override Stem  #'direction = #DOWN
-         a4 a2. a1 a\breve*1/2 a\longa*1/4
-      }
-    >>
+pattern = <<
+  \new Voice {
+    \override Stem  #'direction = #UP
+    e'4 e'2. e'1 e'\breve*1/2 e'\longa*1/4
+  }
+  \new Voice {
+    \override Stem  #'direction = #DOWN
+    a4 a2. a1 a\breve*1/2 a\longa*1/4
+  }
 \score {
-   \transpose c c {
+  \transpose c c {
     \clef C
     \override Staff.NoteHead  #'style = #'default
@@ -34,7 +33,8 @@
     \override Staff.NoteHead  #'style = #'baroque
     s1*0^\markup { "baroque" }
-        \break
+    \break
     \override Staff.NoteHead  #'style = #'neomensural
     s1*0^\markup { "neomensural" }
@@ -43,37 +43,42 @@
     \override Staff.NoteHead  #'style = #'mensural
     s1*0^\markup { "mensural" }
+    \override Staff.NoteHead  #'style = #'petrucci
+    s1*0^\markup { "petrucci" }
+    \pattern
     \override Staff.NoteHead  #'style = #'harmonic
     s1*0^\markup { "harmonic" }
+    \break
     \override Staff.NoteHead  #'style = #'diamond
     s1*0^\markup { "diamond" }
-    \break
     \override Staff.NoteHead  #'style = #'cross
     s1*0^\markup { "cross" }
+    \break
     \override Staff.NoteHead  #'style = #'xcircle
     s1*0^\markup { "xcircle" }
-    \break
+    \pattern
     \override Staff.NoteHead  #'style = #'triangle
     s1*0^\markup { "triangle" }
+    \break
     \override Staff.NoteHead  #'style = #'slash
     s1*0^\markup { "slash" }
-    \break
   \layout {
Index: lilypond/ly/
diff -u lilypond/ly/ lilypond/ly/
--- lilypond/ly/  Thu May  5 23:45:30 2005
+++ lilypond/ly/        Mon May  9 21:08:38 2005
@@ -816,7 +816,7 @@
   \consists "Mensural_ligature_engraver"
   %% Set default head for notes outside of \[ \].
-  \override NoteHead #'style = #'mensural
+  \override NoteHead #'style = #'petrucci
   %% There are no beams in mensural notation.
   autoBeaming = ##f
Index: lilypond/mf/
diff -u lilypond/mf/ lilypond/mf/
--- lilypond/mf/  Wed Apr 27 23:45:43 2005
+++ lilypond/mf/       Mon May  9 21:08:38 2005
@@ -89,6 +89,7 @@
+%%% This head does not seem to be used anywhere.  Junk me?  -- jr
 def draw_neomensural_left_stemmed_head (expr wid) =
@@ -99,7 +100,8 @@
        draw z6 .. z7;
-fet_beginchar("Left stemmed notehead", "lneomensural");
+%%% This head does not seem to be used anywhere.  Junk me?  -- jr
+fet_beginchar("Left stemmed notehead", "slneomensural");
        draw_neomensural_left_stemmed_head (2 staff_space#);
@@ -180,38 +182,34 @@
        unfill z5 -- z6 -- z7 -- z8 --cycle;
-fet_beginchar("Neo-mensural open head","s0neomensural")
-      draw_neomensural_open_head (staff_space#, noteheight#);
 % WL says the thin lines should be thinner.
 fet_beginchar("Harmonic notehead (Neo-mensural open)",
-               "s0harmonic")
+             "s0harmonic")
        draw_neomensural_open_head (1.3 staff_space#, 1.3 noteheight#);
        charwx := head_width#;
        charwy := 0;
+fet_beginchar("Neo-mensural semibrevis head","s0neomensural")
+      draw_neomensural_open_head (staff_space#, noteheight#);
-fet_beginchar("Neo-mensural open head","s1neomensural")
+fet_beginchar("Neo-mensural minima head","s1neomensural")
       draw_neomensural_open_head (staff_space#, noteheight#);
-fet_beginchar("Neo-mensural black head","s2neomensural")
+fet_beginchar("Neo-mensural semiminima head","s2neomensural")
       draw_neomensural_black_head (staff_space#, noteheight#);
 def draw_mensural_brevis (expr wid) =
        % TODO.  For the moment, fall back to draw_neomensural_brevis.
+%%% This head does not seem to be used anywhere.  Junk me?  -- jr
 def draw_mensural_left_stemmed_head (expr wid) =
        x6 = x7 = stem_width/2;
@@ -230,6 +228,7 @@
        draw z6 .. z7;
+%%% This head does not seem to be used anywhere.  Junk me?  -- jr
 fet_beginchar("Mensural left stemmed notehead", "slmensural");
        draw_mensural_left_stemmed_head (staff_space#)
@@ -287,18 +286,33 @@
-fet_beginchar("Mensural open head","s0mensural")
+fet_beginchar("Mensural semibrevis head","s0mensural")
        draw_diamond_head (staff_space#, 0.15, 0.30, 30, true);
-fet_beginchar("Mensural open head","s1mensural")
+fet_beginchar("Mensural minima head","s1mensural")
        draw_diamond_head (staff_space#, 0.15, 0.30, 30, true);
-fet_beginchar("Mensural black head","s2mensural")
+fet_beginchar("Mensural semiminima head","s2mensural")
        draw_diamond_head (staff_space#, 0.15, 0.30, 30, false);
+fet_beginchar("Petrucci semibrevis head","s0petrucci")
+%      draw_diamond_head (1.8 staff_space#, 0.15, 0.40, 30, true);
+       draw_neomensural_open_head (staff_space#, 1.8 staff_space#);
+fet_beginchar("Petrucci minima head","s1petrucci")
+%      draw_diamond_head (1.8 staff_space#, 0.15, 0.40, 30, true);
+       draw_neomensural_open_head (staff_space#, 1.8 staff_space#);
+fet_beginchar("Petrucci semiminima head","s2petrucci")
+%      draw_diamond_head (1.8 staff_space#, 0.15, 0.40, 30, false);
+       draw_neomensural_black_head (staff_space#, 1.8 staff_space#);
Index: lilypond/scm/output-lib.scm
diff -u lilypond/scm/output-lib.scm:1.78 lilypond/scm/output-lib.scm:1.79
--- lilypond/scm/output-lib.scm:1.78    Wed Apr 13 13:18:09 2005
+++ lilypond/scm/output-lib.scm Mon May  9 21:08:38 2005
@@ -158,6 +158,10 @@
         (number->string duration)))
      (string-append (number->string duration) (symbol->string style)))
+    ((petrucci)
+     (if (< duration 0)
+        (string-append (number->string duration) "mensural")
+        (string-append (number->string duration) (symbol->string style))))
      (string-append (number->string duration) (symbol->string style)))

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