Vicky and others, 

Those earlier versions of AFL and OSL were approved by the OSI board at the 
time, mostly because those licenses were specifically written to the 
requirements stated by various members (then) of the OSI board. They wanted 
very strong patent protection, for example, but when those early versions of 
the licenses were approved, the outcry from certain companies (Google and IBM, 
in particular) and their attorneys was intense. 

So my role, as OSI's attorney, was to "negotiate" something tolerable by all 

The results were AFL/OSL 3.0, but then the religious dogmatism of the GPL 
folks, and the objections of Google to the specific reciprocal provision in the 
OSL, made me realize that obtaining widespread consensus to any license would 
be impossible. Their rejections of the licenses simply became more intense over 
the next few years, and the community at large continued to propose new 
licenses that made every form of consensus more impossible. New licenses were 
proposed and approved constantly. 

I gave up promoting new licenses (except for the Non-Profit OSL 3.0 requested 
by IETF for their software), particularly when it was clear that some members 
of the OSI board at the time (Eric Raymond specifically) wanted me to include 
provisions (about "joint works") that I thought would be illegal if included. 

I wrote my book and then I resigned from the OSI entirely. 

I  stand behind AFL and OSL and NOSL versions 3.0. They remain my not-so-humble 
attempt to create licenses that would generally please the community, but 
asking lawyers and open source advocates to converge on a consensus is 

McCoy: That is why I seldom comment on this list. As I got older I began to 
better appreciate futility.


Lawrence Rosen
3001 King Ranch Rd., Ukiah, CA 95482

-----Original Message-----
From: VM (Vicky) Brasseur <> 
Sent: Wednesday, September 8, 2021 11:45 AM
Subject: Re: [License-discuss] Status of earlier AFL licenses?

That's the process I'm familiar with, but I also haven't been paying a lot of 
attention to it lately so my memory may be failing me there.

Larry, could you please confirm whether those versions were OSI-approved when 
they _were_ valid?

My guess is that they were, but I don't want to assume and the SPDX team can't 
find definitive proof either way.


McCoy Smith wrote on 8/9/21 10:17:
> I think the earlier versions, however, should be put in the "superseded"
> category to capture any legacy uses? That's how others have been handled.
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Lawrence Rosen <>
>> Sent: Wednesday, September 8, 2021 8:08 AM
>> To:;
>> Cc:
>> Subject: RE: [License-discuss] Status of earlier AFL licenses?
>> McCoy is correct. Versions of AFL and OSL **prior to version 3.0** 
>> are no longer valid. Please remove those earlier versions. /Larry
>> Lawrence Rosen
>> 707-478-8932
>> 3001 King Ranch Rd., Ukiah, CA 95482

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