On 8/18/20 4:57 PM, Thorsten Glaser wrote:

Lawrence Rosen dixit:

This has been proposed before. What is different now is that the Public
Software Fund is going to stand behind this process, and defend the
project's editor against lawsuits by any licensors who object to this

I’m not convinced that “don’t need to worry” and the “Public Software
Fund” are sufficient reasons to violate the “no relicensing” rule of
The wording of most of the licences is also pretty clear:*these*  terms
(their wording) is to be copied, not any equivalent one.

Yes, what I'm proposing goes against the law. The question is what harm is created and what benefit is created, not whether a law exists or not. If you think that every law is always obeyed, I don't know what to say to you. Legislation (and copyright is created by legislation) is not law. Law is immutable and inviolable. Otherwise ... it's not a law. 32 ft/sec/sec is a law. 300,000m/s is a law. F=MA, E=IR, E=MC2, I2C, these are all laws which cannot be broken. Copyright is legislation and is frequently violated.

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