Ashkar Dev dixit: >can you explain the point that says to include the license of used code, >but can it be included inside the file but not directly with copied code?
Not sure I understand you directly, but: If you redistribute some MIT-licenced work which has documentation, and the documentation is part of the distribution, it’s enough if the licence is reproduced in the documentation. In all other cases, you have to include the licence with the work itself. As an example, you cannot just distribute a minified version of some MIT-licenced ECMAscript library. You have to either add the licence as comment into it or put the licence in documentation that’s distributed along. (Note that minified equals compiled, not source, so, to count as Open Source, you have to also make the source code available.) IANAL, TINLA. bye, //mirabilos -- 15:41⎜<Lo-lan-do:#fusionforge> Somebody write a testsuite for helloworld :-) _______________________________________________ The opinions expressed in this email are those of the sender and not necessarily those of the Open Source Initiative. Official statements by the Open Source Initiative will be sent from an email address. License-discuss mailing list