On 3/15/20 8:19 PM, Coraline Ada Ehmke wrote:
On Mar 15, 2020, at 7:07 PM, Russell Nelson <nel...@crynwr.com
<mailto:nel...@crynwr.com>> wrote:
Ethical software is by definition not open source.
Can you point to any specific points in the definition of Ethical Open
Source that conflicts with the OSD? (I’m not talking about ELOS.)
No. I've already done that and you didn't reply. Why should I repeat
myself with zero expectation of a substantive reply? EVERY point except
#6 conflicts with the OSD. The intention of the Ethical Software
Definition conflicts with the Open Source Definition. Open Source allows
all use by a copyright. Ethical Software denies some uses by social shaming.
And don't you DARE call it "Ethical Open Source"! It's either Open
Source OR it's "Ethical" (by your definition, on case by case or time
after time).
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