Thorsten Glaser wrote on Sunday, October 6, 2019 3:24 PM
> Florian Weimer dixit:
> >for shipping corresponding source code that was actually compiled, and
> >not just upstream tarballs plus downstream patches.
> upstream tarballs plus downstream patches is preferred form of modification, 
> though
> >It's not unreasonable to do this for link-time optimization purposes.
> but precisely that would not match the requirements, I’d rather embed a 
> tarball
> Cem Karan dixit:
> >That said, I for one would find it *highly* amusing if gcc/clang added
> >a switch to embed the complete project
> but gcc/clang can’t know the complete corresponding source, which adds build 
> systems… and IMHO also e.g. the debian/ subdirectory of
> packaging as separate(!) entity

You're right, which is why this was more of a thought experiment than anything 
else.  If it were to be done seriously, then a great deal more thought would 
need to go into it.  In one of the messages I sent out (see
 I found a method that allows you to create a filesystem within a file, which 
with some tweaking would allow you to create a filesystem within an ELF binary 
that could then be mounted.  One could imagine an external tool that could copy 
the contents of a directory into a filesystem within the ELF binary, and a 
second tool that knew how to mount it.

The trick is that we're assuming that there are no malicious actors out there, 
ready, willing, and able to load innocuous sources into a malicious binary.  
Thus, if we went down this path, there would have to be some engineering effort 
put into digital signatures, methods of upgrading the hashes used, etc. to make 
sure that the sources match the binaries.  I'm sure that there are a lot of 
other problems as well, but as was pointed out in,
 while this is a fun discussion, it has nothing to do with the original subject 
line (Discussion: AGPL and Open Source Definition conflict), nor is it really 
something that the license-discuss mailing list is really set up to handle.  

That said, I get the sense that there are enough people on the list that are at 
least mildly interested in this that it would make sense to start a 
project/mailing list somewhere.  Where is the best place to move this to?  I 
originally thought GitHub, but now I'm starting to think it might be better 
somewhere on  Thoughts, suggestions?

Cem Karan

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