The initial debate between RMS and the OSI founders was some confusing nonsense 
over socialism vs. capitalism (in technical lingo as software license language 
rather than politics). I was initially confused. I found myself in the 
capitalist tribe at OSI, although my socialist parents would have been ashamed 
of me for validating developers' and companies' profit motives to support 
hackers. But I had a mortgage too, and I no longer worked at a university to 
support myself.


The FSF folks found more pleasure in the word "free," which scared many 
companies then. GPL was their main license model, and OSI had to accept it. 
Even if that meant squeezing and smushing the OSD language, GPL had to be "open 
source," and so it was.


Both OSI and FSF wanted to find other ways that could allow developers to make 
money. The LGPL was an FSF compromise. The Mozilla license and Apache license 
(first version), almost everyone except FSF could accept. Dual licensing and 
other novelty license models were created. We at OSI accepted them all (except 
for a few) and declared that all our licenses were for "open" software that 
companies could use for free. 


By that time, Bruce Perens was in a feud with other members of the OSI board 
and we couldn't rely on him to help us reword the OSD. We added OSD # 10 
without his help.


The arguments today opining on various OSD provisions and the impacts of 
"copyleft" and "server-side" licenses are no longer interesting to me. I was 
pleased with that original OSI compromise about the essence of open source to 
use the software; copy it; create derivatives; distribute them; and read the 
source code. I even summarized those basic rules in the front cover art on my 
2004 book (although RMS didn't like my Freedom # 5). By allowing all that 
shared software to be called "open source," and treating licenses as merely an 
agreement between licensor and licensee, then basic open source freedoms could 
be protected even while variety and experimentation were allowed in the 
software industry. 


GPL copyleft was then for me merely a license condition which any copyright 
owner could assert. Licensors also tried to assert side conditions about 
derivative works, corresponding source, private use, neon-sign-like attribution 
clauses, the obligations and responsibilities of licensors, etc., which were 
acceptable to OSI "as long as the OSD allowed it."


My own conclusion in the early 2000's was that the OSD was poorly drafted in 
some important respects. It was vague and uncertain, and the "basic open source 
freedoms" were being obscured. It appeared that the panoply of such licenses 
was confusing our audience. People were complaining about license 
incompatibility. Cacophony! License proliferation! Some licenses "went too 


Every one of these problems over the years has resulted in quibbling online 
about the obscure OSD language for those mostly obscure licenses. It tires me.


Instead, as long as the five basic freedoms on the cover of my book are 
protected, software will be open source enough for me. That is why I have 
proposed this common definition:


“Open source software” means software actually distributed to the public under 
software licenses that provide that every licensee is free to make copies of 
the software or derivative works thereof, to distribute them without payment of 
royalties or other consideration, and to access and use the complete source 
code of the software.




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