On 03/16/2012 03:54 PM, Peter Rosin wrote:
> Hi!
> I used to use Cygwin/git to manage my libtool repo, and bootstrap it
> with Cygwin.  I would then build the bootstrapped libtool tree from
> MSYS when I needed to do changes there, or check for regressions from
> the Cygwin side.
> This appears to no longer be possible, if I run "make check" from
> MSYS, it complains with:
> $ make check
>   GEN    public-submodule-commit
> /bin/sh: line 2: git: command not found
> maint.mk: found non-public submodule commit
> make: *** [public-submodule-commit] Error 1
> make: Target `check' not remade because of errors.

> Can anything be done to make things work in a git checkout without
> having git available after bootstrap?  Please?

It should already be possible.  To skip that check, run:

make check gl_public_submodule_commit=

Eric Blake   ebl...@redhat.com    +1-919-301-3266
Libvirt virtualization library http://libvirt.org

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