On 09/13/2010 01:26 AM, Gary V. Vaughan wrote:
What on earth would .cvsignore be useful for in this day and age?

I had thought we maintained a readonly cvs protocol mirror from our
savannah git repo...

I believe this is still the case.

although if we do, how to use it escapes me!

From M4's HACKING:

  A read-only copy of gnulib can be obtained by:
      git clone git://git.sv.gnu.org/gnulib.git
      cvs -d:pserver:anonym...@pserver.git.sv.gnu.org:/srv/git/gnulib.git \
        co -d gnulib HEAD

s/gnulib/libtool/, and you can get libtool via CVS.

Allow me to rephrase the original email:

## --------------------------------------------------------- ##
##  I plan to remove all the .cvsignore files from our repo  ##
##  before the release next weekend unless someone asks me   ##
##                           not to :o)                      ##
## --------------------------------------------------------- ##

Please remove them. Even if you still use the cvs mirror, there's no need for upstream to keep .cvsignore in sync; for those CVS hold-outs, they can use ~/.cvsignore or just ignore all the ? when doing cvs update for files unknown to CVS; and since the cvs repository is read-only, they can't inadvertently turn local files into new vcs files.

I removed the .cvsignore files from m4 a while ago, and no one complained.

Eric Blake   ebl...@redhat.com    +1-801-349-2682
Libvirt virtualization library http://libvirt.org


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