Ralf Wildenhues <Ralf.Wildenhues <at> gmx.de> writes:
> * Taj Morton wrote on Wed, Oct 11, 2006 at 12:43:36AM CEST:
> > My problem is that when I compile my GCC-3.3 RPM, libtool links
> > against /usr/lib/libstdc++.so, instead of /opt/gcc-3.3/lib/libstdc++.so.
> Yes, you already wrote that.  And I already told you possible ways out
> of your trouble.  Did you just ignore them, or did they not work for
> you, or what else was the problem with them?
> http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/libtool/2006-10/msg00027.html
Sorry...I guess I forgot to explain why your suggestion didn't work...please
accept my apology. Basically, the problem is that I need a solution that is
automatic, that doesn't involve hacking .la files, doesn't require root access,
etc. This is because autopackage automatically takes care of compiling with both
compilers, and so I can't be manually modifying all the .la files.

I was hoping for a solution that maybe involved sedding the libtool file, or
something like that. If I can't acomplish it that was, I guess I can just modify
Autopackage's wrapper around gcc/g++ to link the compilers libstdc++.so.

> Please note that trying to create a library linking against libstdc++.X
> and also against a libkdecore that was linked against libstdc++.Y (with
> the promise to have, at runtime, a binary compatible libkdecore that was
> instead linked against libstdc++.X) sounds like walking a tightrope to
> me.
Yeah, I know, it is. So far, our testing hasn't shown any problems, so I'm
hoping for the best...

Thanks for your help,


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