Hi Han-Wen,

* Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote on Mon, Jan 09, 2006 at 01:08:41PM CET:
> - using libtool 1.5.20
> - cross building on darwin 7 (PPC/MacOS 10.3) for a linux/x86/glibc2.2 
> target.
> - building GUILE and gettext
> The following happens: the packages contain libA and libB, where libB 
> depends on libA.
> During install time, the relink step of libB.la tries to link in
>    ../libA/libA.la
> libA.la contains "libdir=/usr/lib"
> libtool then introduces -L/usr/lib/ on the command line.  This has the 
> effect of trying to link various libraries from the build system 
> (/usr/lib/libgcc.a, /usr/lib/libltdl.a) from the build system, which 
> breaks, or even more worrying, it might succeed on some platforms.

Please post config.log, packed (perferably .bzip2 or .gz).
I would like to see how you configure, and whether more oddities show up
in a cross compile.

Thank you,

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