On Monday 29 April 2013 02:55:12 Peter Rosin wrote:
> On 2013-04-29 04:45, Mike Frysinger wrote:
> > On Sunday 28 April 2013 03:21:15 Peter Rosin wrote:
> >> And on re-reading, my IFS changes are not very constructive. I removed
> >> those. I will push the attached in a couple of days, if there are no
> >> objections.
> > 
> > i actually thought your IFS changes made sense.  the current code
> > saves/restores IFS around the inside loop, so if your code breaks out of
> > both the inside and outside loop, then IFS won't get restored.
> The first statement of the inner loop restores IFS, so IFS is as it should
> be when "break 2" hits, no?

so it does ... i was focusing on the code outside of the inner loop.  why do 
we need the restore at the bottom then ?

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