On Sat, 6 Oct 2012, Gary V. Vaughan wrote:
I actually run a lot of virtual machines on my Mac, including a couple of versions of Mac OS and Linux, and I certainly wouldn't want to squander perfectly good hardware on an OS that I don't use, and wasn't aware of the 180 days trials, so I'll take a look into that next time I have half a day spare.
I just forked out $350 for Windows 7 to support free software development. There just did not seem any way around it. The pain is severe.
Do they also have similar trials for MSVC?
There is "free" MSVC ("Visual Studio Express" in Google) available. It is really intended for .net/C# developers, but by following instructions on the net and adding downloadable "free" SDKs (requires manually editing some configuration files), one can create a Visual Studio capable of building C and C++ code without spending any money.
Any idea what the least painful version of Windows for a VM is these days (I'm guessing XP is still the best)?
Windows 7 runs very well in VirtualBox. My wife has been running Windows 7 in VirtualBox running on Ubuntu for almost a year now. I wouldn't recommend that anyone start with XP these days since it is 12 years old, patched beyond all repair, and quickly becoming defunct.
It is good that you are willing to suffer for the cause. The cmake build system is quickly becoming popular since it works well for Windows and it is a threat to the GNU build system (as we know it).
Bob -- Bob Friesenhahn bfrie...@simple.dallas.tx.us, http://www.simplesystems.org/users/bfriesen/ GraphicsMagick Maintainer, http://www.GraphicsMagick.org/