Hallo Ralf,

On 23 Sep 2010, at 00:30, Ralf Wildenhues wrote:
> * Gary V. Vaughan wrote on Wed, Sep 22, 2010 at 06:27:27PM CEST:
>>    * libltdl/Makefile.inc (LTDL_VERSION_INFO): We've added the
>>    static libprefix interface, so new version-info is C+1:0:R+1.
> libprefix is a *static* local undocumented variable, not public API.
> There was no reason to bump the API version for this.  :-(

Ugh.  Sorry.  Luckily there are still quite a lot of numbers left
before we run out.

I propose that to avoid this problem with future releases, that
whoever commits a change that *does* affect LTDL_VERSION_INFO notes
it in NEWS so that I don't make another mistake when I'm searching
back up ChangeLog from the previous release commit to find things
that affect the API versioning.

If you agree, I'll add a note to HACKING.

Gary V. Vaughan (g...@gnu.org)

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