
Now that libtool is released, i reply the questions below

This is the "Warning: linker path does not have real file for library
-lole32." problem, right?

libole32.a and friends are all part of the Win32 API, and are installed
by a proper mingw64 native non-multilib toolchain in ${prefix}/lib IIRC
-- and that dir is included in the compiler/linker's search path

What would really help is if you could look at your (failing) libtool
script, and see what 'sys_lib_search_path_spec' is set to

# Compile-time system search path for libraries.
/home/torri/local/opt/mingw64/x86_64-w64-mingw32/lib64 "

-- AND (a)
where libole32.a actually lives in your setup,


plus (b) what 'gcc
-print-search-dirs' reports (where, 'gcc' is the actual compiler,
whatever it is called, that you are using).

install: /home/torri/local/opt/mingw64/bin/../lib/gcc/x86_64-w64-mingw32/4.5.2/

(*) I assume you're using a native non-multilib toolchain (you didn't

It's native (I use the linux version of the mingw-w64 toolchain). But I don't know what multilib means :-)

thank you

Vincent Torri

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