I should have proof read this before sending it:

On 6 Jun 2010, at 20:19, Gary V. Vaughan wrote:
> It's a pity that m4sh hasn't caught on.  I find it to be a very
> pleasant and productive shell script development environment. I
> don't know whether that's because the compilation phase is still
> immature, or simply because it's buried so deep in the current
> Autoconf/Libtool distributions that no one has noticed it?  It
> would be nice if we could find some means to fix that though.

Swapping the first two sentences makes it parse properly I think:

"I find m4sh to be a very pleasant and productive shell script
development environment. It's a pity that it hasn't caught on.  I
don't know whether that's because the compilation phase is still
immature, or simply because it's buried so deeply in the current
Autoconf/Libtool distributions that no one has noticed it?  It
would be nice if we could find some means to fix that though."

Gary V. Vaughan (g...@gnu.org)

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