On Mon, 14 Dec 2009 15:06 -0800, "Tim Rice" wrote:
> On Mon, 14 Dec 2009, Charles Wilson wrote:
> > Two related lines of inquiry:
> > 1) Under *normal* development rules -- e.g not a pre-release
> > bug-fix-only phase, nor a not-quite-pre-release code slush like (I
> > think) we're in right now, for 2.2.8 -- surely you aren't suggesting
> > that EVERY contribution must be validated on EVERY platform, prior to
> > push?  These were tested on cyg/ming and linux, so in general, during
> > /normal/ development, that should be sufficient contra reveiwer
> > comments, right?
> I would strongly advocate testing at least one System V based system.
> Non bash shells sometimes have issues.

During the release process, certainly testing on as many supported
platforms as possible is baked into the cake.  *Perhaps*, by a reviewer
or other list denizen, before a particular patch is pushed.  But it's
unreasonable to *require* every contributor to have access to multiple
platforms. Some folks who fix HP-UX might not have (or want to install)
cygwin on a win32 box. Or a mingw developer might not have any access to
a Solaris machine.

I have access to cygwin, mingw, and linux. I don't have access to SysV,
and it would be setting WAY too high a bar for contributions to say "No,
thanks, we don't want your patches because you can't test them on System


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