Dan Fandrich in gmane.network.ssh.libssh2.devel (Wed, 12 May 2021 17:41:16
>On Thu, May 13, 2021 at 02:00:42AM +0200, Jan Ehrhardt wrote:
>> That was a bit hard, as neither the snapshots nor github contained
>> ./configure. And the script at https://github.com/Frugghi/iSSH2 really
>> needs it. I was compiling on a Mac with macOS Big Sur 11.3.1. No autotools
>> installed.
>The command "autoreconf -if" will generate the configure file from the source.
>That's a standard autotools command that works in just about any autotools

I know that autoreconf should do the trick. But autoreconf is not part of
the standard toolset on macOS with Xcode. I never needed it up until now.
See for instance https://superuser.com/a/897316/173319 for the extra steps

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