Dear Craig,

Thank you for these ideas, and for the time you spent repeating some of my research. Perhaps I should have given a detailed history of my previous work on this issue, sorry.

I have already tried getting the PHP Manual examples working, and failed. I don't want to post my code and get into a joint debug session, as I'm now mostly busy with other stuff.

As for phpseclib, I already mentioned that I would rather not use it. It is awkward to use and requires a great deal of code that is unnecessary for simply uploading a file. I've already communicated with the author, and it would not be easy for him or me to make that library code significantly smaller. In contrast, the ssh2 lib is a Windows DLL, and I have already downloaded it and changed my PHP.ini to load it.

I would like to emphasize that while I do appreciate ideas, I would much rather have a working and complete example in PHP from someone who has already accomplished this task, as I have been asking for all along, rather than ideas and links which repeat the research I have already done.

I don't mind waiting for working code, having spent so many days working on this on my own and needing to work on other stuff.

Let's see if someone on this mailing list has ever written PHP code to upload a file using sFTP. I will keep my fingers crossed...


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