The frommemory() function takes a buffer that is the contents of the key file 
including header, etc with no decoding. It only works with the OpenSSL backend 
at the moment, IIRC.


> I authenticate using libssh2_userauth_publickey_fromfile()  and it
> works just fine. But when I switch to
> libssh2_userauth_publickey_frommemory()
> it fails.
> I am guessing that the keydata is wrong.  Reading the documentation I
> find it vague.  Is the keydata the string you would get from just
> loading key as a string ?  just the base-64 data ?  the data that you
> would get from base-64 decoding the string to binary ?  I have tried
> all three interpretations of what "keydata" could mean.  It still
> fails.
> Any insights ?
> -- 
> Dr Everett (Skip) Carter  0xF29BF36844FB7922
> Taygeta Scientific Inc
> 607 Charles Ave
> Seaside CA 93955
> 831-641-0645 x103
> _______________________________________________
> libssh2-devel


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