vcl/source/app/IconThemeScanner.cxx |   22 ++++++++++------------
 1 file changed, 10 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)

New commits:
commit cebd0347a02844b1f3b3f496e4722b30a9393d47
Author: Tor Lillqvist <>
Date:   Mon Jul 21 19:06:12 2014 +0300

    Our log area checking Clang plugin requires it to be a string literal
    And even if that wasn't a problem, we don't use a macro for the log area
    anywhere else in the codebase, so why suddenly introduce such a convention
    here? What's the gain from that? On the contrary, haven't we been *reducing*
    the amount of pointless #define FOO "foo" style stuff?
    Change-Id: I1247dc499136cdf3ae1921e6ffe7c7f63d57cfc1

diff --git a/vcl/source/app/IconThemeScanner.cxx 
index 29d3cd7..4599260 100644
--- a/vcl/source/app/IconThemeScanner.cxx
+++ b/vcl/source/app/IconThemeScanner.cxx
@@ -21,20 +21,18 @@ namespace vcl {
 namespace {
-const char *LOG_AREA = "";
 // set the status of a file. Returns false if the status could not be 
 bool set_file_status(osl::FileStatus& status, const OUString& file)
     osl::DirectoryItem dirItem;
     osl::FileBase::RC retvalGet = osl::DirectoryItem::get(file, dirItem);
     if (retvalGet != osl::FileBase::E_None) {
-        SAL_WARN(LOG_AREA, "Could not determine status for file '" << file << 
+        SAL_WARN("", "Could not determine status for file '" << file << 
         return false;
     osl::FileBase::RC retvalStatus = dirItem.getFileStatus(status);
     if (retvalStatus != osl::FileBase::E_None) {
-        SAL_WARN(LOG_AREA, "Could not determine status for file '" << file << 
+        SAL_WARN("", "Could not determine status for file '" << file << 
         return false;
     return true;
@@ -45,7 +43,7 @@ OUString convert_to_absolute_path(const OUString& path)
     salhelper::LinkResolver resolver(0);
     osl::FileBase::RC rc = resolver.fetchFileStatus(path);
     if (rc != osl::FileBase::E_None) {
-        SAL_WARN(LOG_AREA, "Could not resolve path '" << path << "' to search 
for icon themes.");
+        SAL_WARN("", "Could not resolve path '" << path << "' to search 
for icon themes.");
         throw std::runtime_error("Provided a recursive symlink to a icon theme 
directory that could not be resolved.");
     return resolver.m_aStatus.getFileURL();
@@ -66,13 +64,13 @@ IconThemeScanner::ScanDirectoryForIconThemes(const 
OUString& path)
     if (!fileStatus.isDirectory()) {
-        SAL_INFO(LOG_AREA, "Cannot search for icon themes in '"<< path << "'. 
It is not a directory.");
+        SAL_INFO("", "Cannot search for icon themes in '"<< path << "'. 
It is not a directory.");
         return false;
     std::vector<OUString> iconThemePaths = ReadIconThemesFromPath(path);
     if (iconThemePaths.empty()) {
-        SAL_WARN(LOG_AREA, "Could not find any icon themes in the provided 
directory ('" <<path<<"'.");
+        SAL_WARN("", "Could not find any icon themes in the provided 
directory ('" <<path<<"'.");
         return false;
@@ -89,10 +87,10 @@ IconThemeScanner::AddIconThemeByPath(const OUString &url)
     if (!IconThemeInfo::UrlCanBeParsed(url)) {
         return false;
-    SAL_INFO(LOG_AREA, "Found a file that seems to be an icon theme: '" << url 
<< "'" );
+    SAL_INFO("", "Found a file that seems to be an icon theme: '" << 
url << "'" );
     IconThemeInfo newTheme(url);
-    SAL_INFO(LOG_AREA, "Adding the file as '" << newTheme.GetDisplayName() <<
+    SAL_INFO("", "Adding the file as '" << newTheme.GetDisplayName() <<
             "' with id '" << newTheme.GetThemeId() << "'.");
     return true;
@@ -101,7 +99,7 @@ IconThemeScanner::AddIconThemeByPath(const OUString &url)
 IconThemeScanner::ReadIconThemesFromPath(const OUString& dir)
     std::vector<OUString> found;
-    SAL_INFO(LOG_AREA, "Scanning directory '" << dir << " for icon themes.");
+    SAL_INFO("", "Scanning directory '" << dir << " for icon themes.");
     osl::Directory dirToScan(dir);
     osl::FileBase::RC retvalOpen =;
@@ -131,7 +129,7 @@ IconThemeScanner::FileIsValidIconTheme(const OUString& 
     // check whether we can construct a IconThemeInfo from it
     if (!IconThemeInfo::UrlCanBeParsed(filename)) {
-        SAL_INFO(LOG_AREA, "File '" << filename << "' does not seem to be an 
icon theme.");
+        SAL_INFO("", "File '" << filename << "' does not seem to be an 
icon theme.");
         return false;
@@ -194,7 +192,7 @@ IconThemeScanner::GetIconThemeInfo(const OUString& themeId)
     std::vector<IconThemeInfo>::iterator info = 
std::find_if(mFoundIconThemes.begin(), mFoundIconThemes.end(),
     if (info == mFoundIconThemes.end()) {
-        SAL_WARN(LOG_AREA, "Requested information for icon theme with id '" << 
+        SAL_WARN("", "Requested information for icon theme with id '" 
<< themeId
                 << "' which does not exist.");
         throw std::runtime_error("Requested information on not-installed icon 
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