dbaccess/source/core/dataaccess/databaseregistrations.cxx |   77 +++++++++-----
 1 file changed, 52 insertions(+), 25 deletions(-)

New commits:
commit 17ec028be46545c7d67742d7fafe38926fb2dbd5
Author: Caolán McNamara <caol...@redhat.com>
Date:   Thu Jul 10 17:37:03 2014 +0100

    coverity#706461 Uncaught exception
    coverity#706460 Uncaught exception
    coverity#706458 Uncaught exception
    Change-Id: I580e4dbcb1c65404fe7e93098eb44b5d5d004e8b

diff --git a/dbaccess/source/core/dataaccess/databaseregistrations.cxx 
index 56142a3..4b7f702 100644
--- a/dbaccess/source/core/dataaccess/databaseregistrations.cxx
+++ b/dbaccess/source/core/dataaccess/databaseregistrations.cxx
@@ -94,8 +94,12 @@ namespace dbaccess
         virtual void SAL_CALL removeDatabaseRegistrationsListener( const 
Reference< XDatabaseRegistrationsListener >& Listener ) throw 
(RuntimeException, std::exception) SAL_OVERRIDE;
+        void
+                impl_checkValidName_common(const OUString& _rName);
-                impl_checkValidName_throw( const OUString& _rName, const bool 
_bMustExist );
+                impl_checkValidName_throw_must_exist(const OUString& _rName);
+        ::utl::OConfigurationNode
+                impl_checkValidName_throw_must_not_exist(const OUString& 
         void    impl_checkValidLocation_throw( const OUString& _rLocation );
@@ -105,21 +109,30 @@ namespace dbaccess
             simply do a "getByName" (equivalent) when we want to retrieve the 
node for a given registration name.
             Instead, we must search all nodes.
-            If _bMustExist is <TRUE/>, and a node with the given display name 
does not exist, then a NoSuchElementException
-            is thrown.
+            If a node with the given display name does not exist, then a 
NoSuchElementException is thrown.
+            If no exception is thrown, then a valid node is returned: If the 
node existed it is returned.
+        */
+        ::utl::OConfigurationNode
+                impl_getNodeForName_throw_must_exist(const OUString& _rName);
+        /** retrieves the configuration node whose "Name" sub node has the 
given value
+            Since we separated the name of the registration node from the 
"Name" value of the registration, we cannot
+            simply do a "getByName" (equivalent) when we want to retrieve the 
node for a given registration name.
+            Instead, we must search all nodes.
-            If _bMustExist is <FALSE/>, and a node with the given name already 
exists, then a ElementExistException is
-            thrown.
+            If a node with the given name already exists, then a 
ElementExistException is thrown.
-            In either case, if no exception is thrown, then a valid node is 
returned: If the node existed and was allowed
-            to exist, it is returned, if the node did not yet exist, and was 
required to not exist, a new node is created.
-            However, in this case the root node is not yet committed.
+            If no exception is thrown, then a valid node is returned: If the 
node did not yet exist a new node is created,
+            in this case the root node is not yet committed.
-                impl_getNodeForName_throw( const OUString& _rName, const bool 
_bMustExist );
+                impl_getNodeForName_throw_must_not_exist(const OUString& 
-                impl_getNodeForName_nothrow( const OUString& _rName );
+                impl_getNodeForName_nothrow(const OUString& _rName);
         Reference<XComponentContext>        m_aContext;
@@ -159,20 +172,24 @@ namespace dbaccess
         return ::utl::OConfigurationNode();
-    ::utl::OConfigurationNode 
DatabaseRegistrations::impl_getNodeForName_throw( const OUString& _rName, const 
bool _bMustExist )
+    ::utl::OConfigurationNode 
DatabaseRegistrations::impl_getNodeForName_throw_must_exist(const OUString& 
         ::utl::OConfigurationNode aNodeForName( impl_getNodeForName_nothrow( 
_rName ) );
-        if ( aNodeForName.isValid() )
+        if (!aNodeForName.isValid())
-            if ( !_bMustExist )
-                throw ElementExistException( _rName, *this );
-            return aNodeForName;
+            throw NoSuchElementException( _rName, *this );
-        if ( _bMustExist )
-            throw NoSuchElementException( _rName, *this );
+        return aNodeForName;
+    }
+    ::utl::OConfigurationNode 
DatabaseRegistrations::impl_getNodeForName_throw_must_not_exist(const OUString& 
+    {
+        ::utl::OConfigurationNode aNodeForName( impl_getNodeForName_nothrow( 
_rName ) );
+        if (aNodeForName.isValid())
+            throw ElementExistException( _rName, *this );
         OUString sNewNodeName;
@@ -198,15 +215,25 @@ namespace dbaccess
         return aNewNode;
-    ::utl::OConfigurationNode 
DatabaseRegistrations::impl_checkValidName_throw( const OUString& _rName, const 
bool _bMustExist )
+    void DatabaseRegistrations::impl_checkValidName_common(const OUString& 
         if ( !m_aConfigurationRoot.isValid() )
             throw RuntimeException( OUString(), *this );
         if ( _rName.isEmpty() )
             throw IllegalArgumentException( OUString(), *this, 1 );
+    }
+    ::utl::OConfigurationNode 
DatabaseRegistrations::impl_checkValidName_throw_must_exist(const OUString& 
+    {
+        impl_checkValidName_common(_rName);
+        return impl_getNodeForName_throw_must_exist(_rName);
+    }
-        return impl_getNodeForName_throw( _rName, _bMustExist );
+    ::utl::OConfigurationNode 
DatabaseRegistrations::impl_checkValidName_throw_must_not_exist(const OUString& 
+    {
+        impl_checkValidName_common(_rName);
+        return impl_getNodeForName_throw_must_not_exist(_rName);
     void DatabaseRegistrations::impl_checkValidLocation_throw( const OUString& 
_rLocation )
@@ -252,7 +279,7 @@ namespace dbaccess
         ::osl::MutexGuard aGuard( m_aMutex );
-        ::utl::OConfigurationNode aNodeForName = impl_checkValidName_throw( 
_Name, true );
+        ::utl::OConfigurationNode aNodeForName = 
         OUString sLocation;
         OSL_VERIFY( aNodeForName.getNodeValue( getLocationNodeName() ) >>= 
sLocation );
@@ -267,7 +294,7 @@ namespace dbaccess
         // check
         impl_checkValidLocation_throw( _Location );
-        ::utl::OConfigurationNode aDataSourceRegistration = 
impl_checkValidName_throw( _Name, false );
+        ::utl::OConfigurationNode aDataSourceRegistration = 
         // register
         aDataSourceRegistration.setNodeValue( getLocationNodeName(), makeAny( 
_Location ) );
@@ -284,7 +311,7 @@ namespace dbaccess
         ::osl::ClearableMutexGuard aGuard( m_aMutex );
         // check
-        ::utl::OConfigurationNode aNodeForName = impl_checkValidName_throw( 
_Name, true );
+        ::utl::OConfigurationNode aNodeForName = 
         // obtain properties for notification
         OUString sLocation;
@@ -310,7 +337,7 @@ namespace dbaccess
         // check
         impl_checkValidLocation_throw( _NewLocation );
-        ::utl::OConfigurationNode aDataSourceRegistration = 
impl_checkValidName_throw( _Name, true );
+        ::utl::OConfigurationNode aDataSourceRegistration = 
         if  ( aDataSourceRegistration.isReadonly() )
             throw IllegalAccessException( OUString(), *this );
@@ -332,7 +359,7 @@ namespace dbaccess
     sal_Bool SAL_CALL DatabaseRegistrations::isDatabaseRegistrationReadOnly( 
const OUString& _Name ) throw (IllegalArgumentException, 
NoSuchElementException, RuntimeException, std::exception)
         ::osl::MutexGuard aGuard( m_aMutex );
-        ::utl::OConfigurationNode aDataSourceRegistration = 
impl_checkValidName_throw( _Name, true );
+        ::utl::OConfigurationNode aDataSourceRegistration = 
         return aDataSourceRegistration.isReadonly();
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