Hi Keith,

On Thu, 2014-02-20 at 12:45 -0500, Keith Creasy wrote:
> I thought I wrote and asked about this already but now I'm not sure if it
> worked.

        It did; sorry for not getting back to you quickly.

> We are interested in creating an accessible Android office suite (accessible
> to blind users).

        Great ! I -suspect- that the current state of LibreOffice on Android
may be more susceptible to an Accessible interface for blind users than
it is for a sighted user's 60fps smooth / tiled-rendering with
animations experience =)

        So - I think this is quite an achievable goal. The main development
would be around building a bridge between our UNO accessibility APIs and
the native Android a11y stack. Experience suggests that the size of one
of these bridges should be:

        atk:    2012 ';' LOC (git grep ';' | wc -l )
        IAcc2:  5000 ';' LOC

        So - really achievable =)

>  I've been able to build LibreOffice on Linux and also the
> Android libraries and experimental apps.


>  The problem is that my APK doesn't include the native libraries.
> The jni directories are empty. If I try to run
> "ndk-build" I get the error:
> /home/kcreasy/ndk/build/core/build-shared-library.mk:23: *** Android NDK:
> Missing LOCAL_MODULE before including BUILD_SHARED_LIBRARY in jni/Android.mk
> .  Stop.

        That is indeed annoying; perhaps the best person to talk to there would
be Tor; I'll set a build of master going on my local machine too though
for good measure.

> I'm thinking that there is a shared library I just need to add t my project
> but just don't know which library or where to find it in the overall
> project.

        Hopefully you are running 'make' inside android/ to build that stuff ?
we have to pre-process & generate some compatible ant files - to turn
off compression for various assets in the .zip - if that is hosed (new
Android SDKs tend to bust that gratuitously) then we may need to fix
that. What SDK / NDK versions do you have ?

> If someone can give me some pointers on how to get this building a runnable
> APK it would be very helpful. We are interested in contributing and sharing
> our work toward an Android word processor and perhaps other apps with the
> community.

        It sounds awesome, welcome to the community; sorry for the initially
slow response; Tor if you could spare 30mins or so getting Keith going
over the next while that'd be lovely ! =)

        All the best,

 michael.me...@collabora.com  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot

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