Ed Barnat <> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
            Version| rc                  | release

--- Comment #99 from Ed Barnat <> ---
Problem description: 

Steps to reproduce:
1. a LibO (writer) document.  Copy and paste from within that LibO
(writer) document to within that LibO document.
2. ....Open a web page or non-LibO document and copy web page text or url 
3. ....Past that text/url into the still open LibO (writer) document

Current behavior: The copied text from step 1 is pasted into the document

Expected behavior: The copied text from the web page/non-LibO document should
be pasted into the document.

Current work around is to close all LibO documents, which clears the LibO
clipboard. Re-open the LibO document and paste before doing any cut/copy from
within LibO

Previously reported in Bug 62196 which does not appear in current known bug

Also see running issue in OpenOffice 

Successfully submited now as bug 70200

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