Rebased ref, commits from common ancestor:
commit 4cff2c1b7027c9098dbe732fa8c23f7c7d8d4de5
Author: Kohei Yoshida <>
Date:   Fri Nov 22 18:28:26 2013 -0500

    Add hook to optionally enable threaded sheet stream parsing.
    Threaded version still not working as the fast parser deadlocks during
    threaded parsing.
    Change-Id: I3d402a22a394d7d0d7edf96590ae039506928fde

diff --git a/sc/source/filter/oox/workbookfragment.cxx 
index 30f0f34..e9471cb 100644
--- a/sc/source/filter/oox/workbookfragment.cxx
+++ b/sc/source/filter/oox/workbookfragment.cxx
@@ -51,6 +51,12 @@
 #include <comphelper/processfactory.hxx>
 #include <officecfg/Office/Calc.hxx>
+#include <salhelper/thread.hxx>
+#include <osl/conditn.hxx>
+#include <queue>
+#include <boost/scoped_ptr.hpp>
 #include "oox/ole/vbaproject.hxx"
 namespace oox {
@@ -194,6 +200,189 @@ const RecordInfo* WorkbookFragment::getRecordInfos() const
     return spRecInfos;
+namespace {
+class WorkerThread;
+typedef std::pair<WorksheetGlobalsRef, FragmentHandlerRef> 
+typedef std::vector<SheetFragmentHandler> SheetFragmentVector;
+typedef rtl::Reference<WorkerThread> WorkerThreadRef;
+struct WorkerThreadData
+    osl::Mutex maMtx;
+    std::vector<WorkerThreadRef> maThreads;
+struct IdleWorkerThreadData
+    osl::Mutex maMtx;
+    osl::Condition maCondAdded;
+    std::queue<WorkerThread*> maThreads;
+    boost::scoped_ptr<WorkerThreadData> mpWorkerThreads;
+    boost::scoped_ptr<IdleWorkerThreadData> mpIdleThreads;
+} aThreadGlobals;
+enum WorkerAction
+    None = 0,
+    TerminateThread,
+    Work
+class WorkerThread : public salhelper::Thread
+    WorkbookFragment& mrWorkbookHandler;
+    size_t mnID;
+    FragmentHandlerRef mxHandler;
+    osl::Mutex maMtxAction;
+    osl::Condition maCondActionChanged;
+    WorkerAction meAction;
+    WorkerThread( WorkbookFragment& rWorkbookHandler, size_t nID ) :
+        salhelper::Thread("sheet-import-worker-thread"),
+        mrWorkbookHandler(rWorkbookHandler), mnID(nID), meAction(None) {}
+    virtual void execute()
+    {
+        announceIdle();
+        // Keep looping until the terminate request is set.
+        for (maCondActionChanged.wait(); true; maCondActionChanged.wait())
+        {
+            osl::MutexGuard aGuard(maMtxAction);
+            if (!maCondActionChanged.check())
+                // Wait again.
+                continue;
+            maCondActionChanged.reset();
+            if (meAction == TerminateThread)
+                // End the thread.
+                return;
+            if (meAction != Work)
+                continue;
+#if 0
+            // TODO : This still deadlocks in the fast parser code.
+            mrWorkbookHandler.importOoxFragment(mxHandler);
+            double val = rand() / static_cast<double>(RAND_MAX);
+            val *= 1000000; // normalize to 1 second.
+            val *= 1.5; // inflate it a bit.
+            usleep(val); // pretend to be working while asleep.
+            announceIdle();
+        }
+    }
+    void announceIdle()
+    {
+        // Set itself idle to receive a new task from the main thread.
+        osl::MutexGuard aGuard(aThreadGlobals.mpIdleThreads->maMtx);
+        aThreadGlobals.mpIdleThreads->maThreads.push(this);
+        aThreadGlobals.mpIdleThreads->maCondAdded.set();
+    }
+    void terminate()
+    {
+        osl::MutexGuard aGuard(maMtxAction);
+        meAction = TerminateThread;
+        maCondActionChanged.set();
+    }
+    void assign( const FragmentHandlerRef& rHandler )
+    {
+        osl::MutexGuard aGuard(maMtxAction);
+        mxHandler = rHandler;
+        meAction = Work;
+        maCondActionChanged.set();
+    }
+void importSheetFragments( WorkbookFragment& rWorkbookHandler, 
SheetFragmentVector& rSheets )
+#if 0 // threaded version
+    size_t nThreadCount = 3;
+    if (nThreadCount > rSheets.size())
+        nThreadCount = rSheets.size();
+    // Create new thread globals.
+    aThreadGlobals.mpWorkerThreads.reset(new WorkerThreadData);
+    aThreadGlobals.mpIdleThreads.reset(new IdleWorkerThreadData);
+    SheetFragmentVector::iterator it = rSheets.begin(), itEnd = rSheets.end();
+    {
+        // Initialize worker threads.
+        osl::MutexGuard aGuard(aThreadGlobals.mpWorkerThreads->maMtx);
+        for (size_t i = 0; i < nThreadCount; ++i)
+        {
+            WorkerThreadRef pThread(new WorkerThread(rWorkbookHandler, i));
+            aThreadGlobals.mpWorkerThreads->maThreads.push_back(pThread);
+            pThread->launch();
+        }
+    }
+    for (aThreadGlobals.mpIdleThreads->maCondAdded.wait(); true; 
+    {
+        osl::MutexGuard aGuard(aThreadGlobals.mpIdleThreads->maMtx);
+        if (!aThreadGlobals.mpIdleThreads->maCondAdded.check())
+            // Wait again.
+            continue;
+        aThreadGlobals.mpIdleThreads->maCondAdded.reset();
+        // Assign work to all idle threads.
+        while (!aThreadGlobals.mpIdleThreads->maThreads.empty())
+        {
+            if (it == itEnd)
+                break;
+            WorkerThread* p = aThreadGlobals.mpIdleThreads->maThreads.front();
+            aThreadGlobals.mpIdleThreads->maThreads.pop();
+            p->assign(it->second);
+            ++it;
+        }
+        if (it == itEnd)
+            // Finished!  Exit the loop.
+            break;
+    }
+    {
+        // Terminate all worker threads.
+        osl::MutexGuard aGuard(aThreadGlobals.mpWorkerThreads->maMtx);
+        for (size_t i = 0, n = 
aThreadGlobals.mpWorkerThreads->maThreads.size(); i < n; ++i)
+        {
+            WorkerThreadRef pWorker = 
+            pWorker->terminate();
+            if (
+                pWorker->join();
+        }
+    }
+    // Delete all thread globals.
+    aThreadGlobals.mpWorkerThreads.reset();
+    aThreadGlobals.mpIdleThreads.reset();
+#else // non-threaded version
+    for( SheetFragmentVector::iterator it = rSheets.begin(), itEnd = 
rSheets.end(); it != itEnd; ++it)
+    {
+        // import the sheet fragment
+        rWorkbookHandler.importOoxFragment(it->second);
+    }
 void WorkbookFragment::finalizeImport()
     ISegmentProgressBarRef xGlobalSegment = getProgressBar().createSegment( 
@@ -229,8 +418,6 @@ void WorkbookFragment::finalizeImport()
         fragments for all sheets that are needed before the cell formulas are
         loaded. Additionally, the instances of the WorkbookGlobals structures
         have to be stored for every sheet. */
-    typedef ::std::pair< WorksheetGlobalsRef, FragmentHandlerRef > 
-    typedef ::std::vector< SheetFragmentHandler > SheetFragmentVector;
     SheetFragmentVector aSheetFragments;
     std::vector<WorksheetHelper*> maHelpers;
     WorksheetBuffer& rWorksheets = getWorksheets();
@@ -315,11 +502,7 @@ void WorkbookFragment::finalizeImport()
     // load all worksheets
-    for( SheetFragmentVector::iterator aIt = aSheetFragments.begin(), aEnd = 
aSheetFragments.end(); aIt != aEnd; ++aIt )
-    {
-        // import the sheet fragment
-        importOoxFragment( aIt->second );
-    }
+    importSheetFragments(*this, aSheetFragments);
     for( std::vector<WorksheetHelper*>::iterator aIt = maHelpers.begin(), aEnd 
= maHelpers.end(); aIt != aEnd; ++aIt )
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