sc/inc/scmatrix.hxx              |   52 ------
 sc/source/core/tool/scmatrix.cxx |  292 ---------------------------------------
 2 files changed, 344 deletions(-)

New commits:
commit de030fa22c9f43e0518e70a536c99c8ac14cdf50
Author: Kohei Yoshida <>
Date:   Fri Oct 18 14:52:08 2013 -0400

    Remove all uses of Pos and ConstPos. They are slow.
    Change-Id: I27f68e67eebfd1ce4be29b24147e5586c8f9f85e

diff --git a/sc/inc/scmatrix.hxx b/sc/inc/scmatrix.hxx
index 7d6d911..6fe7a5e 100644
--- a/sc/inc/scmatrix.hxx
+++ b/sc/inc/scmatrix.hxx
@@ -144,31 +144,6 @@ public:
             mfFirst(r.mfFirst), mfRest(r.mfRest), mnCount(r.mnCount) {}
-    struct Pos;
-    struct ConstPos;
-    static void DeletePosition( const Pos* p );
-    static void DeletePosition( const ConstPos* p );
-    struct PosDeleter : std::unary_function<const Pos*, void>
-    {
-        void operator() (const Pos* p)
-        {
-            DeletePosition(p);
-        }
-    };
-    struct ConstPosDeleter : std::unary_function<const ConstPos*, void>
-    {
-        void operator() (const ConstPos* p)
-        {
-            DeletePosition(p);
-        }
-    };
-    typedef boost::interprocess::unique_ptr<Pos, PosDeleter> PosRef;
-    typedef boost::interprocess::unique_ptr<ConstPos, ConstPosDeleter> 
     /// The maximum number of elements a matrix may have at runtime.
     inline static size_t GetElementsMax()
@@ -321,8 +296,6 @@ public:
     /// @ATTENTION: If bString the ScMatrixValue->pS may still be NULL to 
     /// an empty string!
     ScMatrixValue Get( SCSIZE nC, SCSIZE nR) const;
-    ScMatrixValue Get( const Pos& rPos ) const;
-    ScMatrixValue Get( const ConstPos& rPos ) const;
     /// @return <TRUE/> if string or empty or empty path, in fact non-value.
     sal_Bool IsString( SCSIZE nIndex ) const;
@@ -351,31 +324,6 @@ public:
     /// @return <TRUE/> if entire matrix is numeric, including booleans, with 
no strings or empties
     sal_Bool IsNumeric() const;
-    Pos* GetPosition( size_t nC, size_t nR );
-    ConstPos* GetConstPosition( size_t nC, size_t nR ) const;
-    bool NextPosition( Pos& rPos );
-    bool NextPosition( ConstPos& rPos ) const;
-    bool IsValue( const Pos& rPos ) const;
-    bool IsValue( const ConstPos& rPos ) const;
-    bool IsEmpty( const Pos& rPos ) const;
-    bool IsEmpty( const ConstPos& rPos ) const;
-    double GetDouble( const Pos& rPos ) const;
-    double GetDouble( const ConstPos& rPos ) const;
-    svl::SharedString GetString( const Pos& rPos ) const;
-    svl::SharedString GetString( const ConstPos& rPos ) const;
-    void PutDouble( double fVal, Pos& rPos );
-    void PutString( const svl::SharedString& rStr, Pos& rPos );
-    void PutEmpty( Pos& rPos );
-    void PutEmptyPath( Pos& rPos );
-    void PutError( sal_uInt16 nErr, Pos& rPos );
-    void PutBoolean( bool bVal, Pos& rPos );
     void MatTrans( ScMatrix& mRes) const;
     void MatCopy ( ScMatrix& mRes) const;
diff --git a/sc/source/core/tool/scmatrix.cxx b/sc/source/core/tool/scmatrix.cxx
index b15866f..f711e05 100644
--- a/sc/source/core/tool/scmatrix.cxx
+++ b/sc/source/core/tool/scmatrix.cxx
@@ -67,24 +67,6 @@ struct custom_string_trait
 typedef mdds::multi_type_matrix<custom_string_trait> MatrixImplType;
-struct ScMatrix::Pos
-    MatrixImplType::position_type maPos;
-    MatrixImplType::position_type maPosFlag;
-struct ScMatrix::ConstPos
-    MatrixImplType::const_position_type maPos;
-    MatrixImplType::const_position_type maPosFlag;
-    ConstPos() {}
-    ConstPos( const ScMatrix::ConstPos& r ) :
-        maPos(r.maPos), maPosFlag(r.maPosFlag) {}
-    ConstPos( const ScMatrix::Pos& r ) :
-        maPos(r.maPos), maPosFlag(r.maPosFlag) {}
 namespace {
 struct ElemEqualZero : public unary_function<double, bool>
@@ -251,7 +233,6 @@ public:
     svl::SharedString GetString( SCSIZE nIndex) const;
     svl::SharedString GetString( SvNumberFormatter& rFormatter, SCSIZE nC, 
SCSIZE nR) const;
     ScMatrixValue Get(SCSIZE nC, SCSIZE nR) const;
-    ScMatrixValue Get( const ScMatrix::ConstPos& rPos ) const;
     bool IsString( SCSIZE nIndex ) const;
     bool IsString( SCSIZE nC, SCSIZE nR ) const;
     bool IsEmpty( SCSIZE nC, SCSIZE nR ) const;
@@ -262,24 +243,6 @@ public:
     bool IsBoolean( SCSIZE nC, SCSIZE nR ) const;
     bool IsNumeric() const;
-    ScMatrix::Pos* GetPosition( size_t nC, size_t nR );
-    ScMatrix::ConstPos* GetConstPosition( size_t nC, size_t nR ) const;
-    bool NextPosition( ScMatrix::Pos& rPos );
-    bool NextPosition( ScMatrix::ConstPos& rPos ) const;
-    bool IsValue( const ScMatrix::ConstPos& rPos ) const;
-    bool IsEmpty( const ScMatrix::ConstPos& rPos ) const;
-    double GetDouble( const ScMatrix::ConstPos& rPos ) const;
-    svl::SharedString GetString( const ScMatrix::ConstPos& rPos ) const;
-    void PutDouble( double fVal, ScMatrix::Pos& rPos );
-    void PutString( const svl::SharedString& rStr, ScMatrix::Pos& rPos );
-    void PutEmpty( ScMatrix::Pos& rPos );
-    void PutEmptyPath( ScMatrix::Pos& rPos );
-    void PutError( sal_uInt16 nErr, ScMatrix::Pos& rPos );
-    void PutBoolean( bool bVal, ScMatrix::Pos& rPos );
     void MatCopy(ScMatrixImpl& mRes) const;
     void MatTrans(ScMatrixImpl& mRes) const;
     void FillDouble( double fVal, SCSIZE nC1, SCSIZE nR1, SCSIZE nC2, SCSIZE 
nR2 );
@@ -672,34 +635,6 @@ ScMatrixValue ScMatrixImpl::Get(SCSIZE nC, SCSIZE nR) const
     return aVal;
-ScMatrixValue ScMatrixImpl::Get( const ScMatrix::ConstPos& rPos ) const
-    ScMatrixValue aVal;
-    mdds::mtm::element_t eType = maMat.get_type(rPos.maPos);
-    switch (eType)
-    {
-        case mdds::mtm::element_boolean:
-            aVal.nType = SC_MATVAL_BOOLEAN;
-            aVal.fVal = maMat.get_boolean(rPos.maPos);
-        break;
-        case mdds::mtm::element_numeric:
-            aVal.nType = SC_MATVAL_VALUE;
-            aVal.fVal = 
-        break;
-        case mdds::mtm::element_string:
-            aVal.nType = SC_MATVAL_STRING;
-            aVal.aStr = 
-        break;
-        case mdds::mtm::element_empty:
-            // Empty path equals empty plus flag.
-            aVal.nType = maMatFlag.get_boolean(rPos.maPosFlag) ? 
-            aVal.fVal = 0.0;
-        default:
-            ;
-    }
-    return aVal;
 bool ScMatrixImpl::IsString( SCSIZE nIndex ) const
     SCSIZE nC, nR;
@@ -785,123 +720,6 @@ bool ScMatrixImpl::IsNumeric() const
     return maMat.numeric();
-ScMatrix::Pos* ScMatrixImpl::GetPosition( size_t nC, size_t nR )
-    ScMatrix::Pos* pRet = new ScMatrix::Pos;
-    pRet->maPos = maMat.position(nR, nC);
-    pRet->maPosFlag = maMatFlag.position(nR, nC);
-    return pRet;
-ScMatrix::ConstPos* ScMatrixImpl::GetConstPosition( size_t nC, size_t nR ) 
-    ScMatrix::ConstPos* pRet = new ScMatrix::ConstPos;
-    pRet->maPos = maMat.position(nR, nC);
-    pRet->maPosFlag = maMatFlag.position(nR, nC);
-    return pRet;
-bool ScMatrixImpl::NextPosition( ScMatrix::Pos& rPos )
-    rPos.maPos = MatrixImplType::next_position(rPos.maPos);
-    rPos.maPosFlag = MatrixImplType::next_position(rPos.maPosFlag);
-    return rPos.maPos != maMat.end_position();
-bool ScMatrixImpl::NextPosition( ScMatrix::ConstPos& rPos ) const
-    rPos.maPos = MatrixImplType::next_position(rPos.maPos);
-    rPos.maPosFlag = MatrixImplType::next_position(rPos.maPosFlag);
-    return rPos.maPos != maMat.end_position();
-bool ScMatrixImpl::IsValue( const ScMatrix::ConstPos& rPos ) const
-    switch (maMat.get_type(rPos.maPos))
-    {
-        case mdds::mtm::element_boolean:
-        case mdds::mtm::element_numeric:
-            return true;
-        default:
-            ;
-    }
-    return false;
-bool ScMatrixImpl::IsEmpty( const ScMatrix::ConstPos& rPos ) const
-    return maMat.get_type(rPos.maPos) == mdds::mtm::element_empty && 
-double ScMatrixImpl::GetDouble( const ScMatrix::ConstPos& rPos ) const
-    double fVal = maMat.get_numeric(rPos.maPos);
-    if (pErrorInterpreter)
-    {
-        sal_uInt16 nError = GetDoubleErrorValue(fVal);
-        if (nError)
-            SetErrorAtInterpreter( nError);
-    }
-    return fVal;
-svl::SharedString ScMatrixImpl::GetString( const ScMatrix::ConstPos& rPos ) 
-    double fErr = 0.0;
-    switch (maMat.get_type(rPos.maPos))
-    {
-        case mdds::mtm::element_string:
-            return maMat.get_string(rPos.maPos);
-        case mdds::mtm::element_empty:
-            return svl::SharedString::getEmptyString();
-        case mdds::mtm::element_numeric:
-        case mdds::mtm::element_boolean:
-            OSL_FAIL("ScMatrixImpl::GetString: access error, no string");
-            fErr = maMat.get_numeric(rPos.maPos);
-        default:
-            OSL_FAIL("ScMatrixImpl::GetString: access error, no string");
-    }
-    SetErrorAtInterpreter(GetDoubleErrorValue(fErr));
-    return svl::SharedString::getEmptyString();
-void ScMatrixImpl::PutDouble( double fVal, ScMatrix::Pos& rPos )
-    if (maMat.get_type(rPos.maPos) == mdds::mtm::element_numeric)
-        MatrixImplType::numeric_block_type::at(*rPos.maPos.first->data, 
rPos.maPos.second) = fVal;
-    else
-        rPos.maPos = maMat.set(rPos.maPos, fVal);
-void ScMatrixImpl::PutString( const svl::SharedString& rStr, ScMatrix::Pos& 
rPos )
-    rPos.maPos = maMat.set(rPos.maPos, rStr);
-void ScMatrixImpl::PutEmpty( ScMatrix::Pos& rPos )
-    rPos.maPos = maMat.set_empty(rPos.maPos);
-    rPos.maPosFlag = maMatFlag.set(rPos.maPosFlag, false); // zero flag to 
indicate that this is 'empty', not 'empty path'.
-void ScMatrixImpl::PutEmptyPath( ScMatrix::Pos& rPos )
-    rPos.maPos = maMat.set_empty(rPos.maPos);
-    rPos.maPosFlag = maMatFlag.set(rPos.maPosFlag, true); // non-zero flag to 
indicate empty 'path'.
-void ScMatrixImpl::PutError( sal_uInt16 nErr, ScMatrix::Pos& rPos )
-    rPos.maPos = maMat.set(rPos.maPos, CreateDoubleError(nErr));
-void ScMatrixImpl::PutBoolean( bool bVal, ScMatrix::Pos& rPos )
-    rPos.maPos = maMat.set(rPos.maPos, bVal);
 void ScMatrixImpl::MatCopy(ScMatrixImpl& mRes) const
     if (maMat.size().row > mRes.maMat.size().row || maMat.size().column > 
@@ -1995,16 +1813,6 @@ ScMatrixValue ScMatrix::Get(SCSIZE nC, SCSIZE nR) const
     return pImpl->Get(nC, nR);
-ScMatrixValue ScMatrix::Get( const Pos& rPos ) const
-    return pImpl->Get(rPos);
-ScMatrixValue ScMatrix::Get( const ConstPos& rPos ) const
-    return pImpl->Get(rPos);
 sal_Bool ScMatrix::IsString( SCSIZE nIndex ) const
     return pImpl->IsString(nIndex);
@@ -2050,106 +1858,6 @@ sal_Bool ScMatrix::IsNumeric() const
     return pImpl->IsNumeric();
-ScMatrix::Pos* ScMatrix::GetPosition( size_t nC, size_t nR )
-    return pImpl->GetPosition(nC, nR);
-ScMatrix::ConstPos* ScMatrix::GetConstPosition( size_t nC, size_t nR ) const
-    return pImpl->GetConstPosition(nC, nR);
-void ScMatrix::DeletePosition( const Pos* p )
-    delete p;
-void ScMatrix::DeletePosition( const ConstPos* p )
-    delete p;
-bool ScMatrix::NextPosition( Pos& rPos )
-    return pImpl->NextPosition(rPos);
-bool ScMatrix::NextPosition( ConstPos& rPos ) const
-    return pImpl->NextPosition(rPos);
-bool ScMatrix::IsValue( const Pos& rPos ) const
-    return pImpl->IsValue(rPos);
-bool ScMatrix::IsValue( const ConstPos& rPos ) const
-    return pImpl->IsValue(rPos);
-bool ScMatrix::IsEmpty( const Pos& rPos ) const
-    return pImpl->IsEmpty(rPos);
-bool ScMatrix::IsEmpty( const ConstPos& rPos ) const
-    return pImpl->IsEmpty(rPos);
-double ScMatrix::GetDouble( const Pos& rPos ) const
-    return pImpl->GetDouble(rPos);
-double ScMatrix::GetDouble( const ConstPos& rPos ) const
-    return pImpl->GetDouble(rPos);
-svl::SharedString ScMatrix::GetString( const Pos& rPos ) const
-    return pImpl->GetString(rPos);
-svl::SharedString ScMatrix::GetString( const ConstPos& rPos ) const
-    return pImpl->GetString(rPos);
-void ScMatrix::PutDouble( double fVal, Pos& rPos )
-    pImpl->PutDouble(fVal, rPos);
-void ScMatrix::PutString( const svl::SharedString& rStr, Pos& rPos )
-    pImpl->PutString(rStr, rPos);
-void ScMatrix::PutEmpty( Pos& rPos )
-    pImpl->PutEmpty(rPos);
-void ScMatrix::PutEmptyPath( Pos& rPos )
-    pImpl->PutEmptyPath(rPos);
-void ScMatrix::PutError( sal_uInt16 nErr, Pos& rPos )
-    pImpl->PutError(nErr, rPos);
-void ScMatrix::PutBoolean( bool bVal, Pos& rPos )
-    pImpl->PutBoolean(bVal, rPos);
 void ScMatrix::MatCopy(ScMatrix& mRes) const
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