Because it's a waste of time until we get enough people saying they are at least interested. I've done doodles before and it's only worth it when there is pre-commitment to the idea of having a meeting.


On 10/11/2013 03:43 PM, Jonathan Aquilina wrote:
Why not do a doodle it will make things easy for you to determine day and time.

On Mon, Oct 7, 2013 at 7:30 PM, Joel Madero < <>> wrote:

    hip. Really 1 hour a month is enough time to give back a bit.


        I dont know if I can make it this Friday, but could you also
        point out the time
        in UTC too? For a continental european guest a time like
        "12:00pm EST" is
        ultimately confusing -- is that 0000EST or 2400EST?

    Sure, apologies for that :)

    So for North America (or at least United States) we have:
    PST (GMT - 7)
    MDT (GMT -6)
    CST (GMT - 5)
    EST (GMT - 4)

    Once I get a head count of who theoretically would be interested
    if the time was right, we can start discussing what specific time
    will work and I'll make sure to do the conversion to GMT :) As of
    now it looks like 1200 (1900 GMT) on Friday isn't going to work as
    there just doesn't seem to be availability/interest.

    All the best,
    LibreOffice mailing list

Jonathan Aquilina

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