Hi Artur,

It's usually best to mark bugs as "Resolved" -- "Fixed" when the patch
is committed.

If you include the bug number in the form "fdo#12345678" in the commit
subject then bugzilla will automatically be updated to "Resolved-Fixed"
along with a message detailing when it'll be available in daily builds
etc -- i.e. there's no need to actually do anything in bugzilla if you
do this.

For example this commit:
generated this automatic update to bugzilla:



On Mon, 2013-10-07 at 20:00 +0300, Artur Dryomov wrote:
> Hi Igor,
> I don’t think so. The next version of the Impress Remote for Android
> is not released yet, so I didn’t closed related bugs yet. Maybe it is
> better to close them when they are fixed at the master really, I just
> fell that users should have an ability to confirm the fix. We haven’t
> decided what version it will be as well so it is hard to track things.
> Regards,
> Artur.

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