
On Wed, Sep 25, 2013 at 02:30:13AM +0200, Michael Meeks wrote:
>     + should we have a top confirmers stat ? (Michael)
>         + bit tough to work out the top triagers
>         + can build some perl to dump that here if someone can come up
>           with a query (Michael M)

One brainstormed idea From the QA roundtable was: A possibility would be to
do a "commenter on FIXED bugs stats". E.g. when releasing 4.x.1 querying for
all commenters on RESOLVED/FIXED bugs with target:4.x.1.y and then say
something like "128 contributors helped triage the bugs fixed in this release.
Alice (8), Bob (5) and Charly (3) helped triaging the fixed bugs in this
release most".

With this:
a/ It gives some more content to our micro update PR (which is rather stock and
   boring otherwise)
b/ It gives some glamour to triagers (although it hardly competes with the
   feature glamour for devs on 4.x.0 release)
c/ quantity of comments might be a moral hazard leading to lots of soulless
   canned comments -- but optimistically only looking at _fixed_ bugs keeps
   this in check a bit


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