Since master build 342b1895d768dc633c3067df6618cd3567b72a6d I am seeing a whole load of the following error messages on startup (one for each template) :
warn:tools.urlobj:10469:1:tools/source/fsys/urlobj.cxx:1739: cannot make <../AbstractGreen.otp> absolute against broken base <> warn:tools.urlobj:10469:1:tools/source/fsys/urlobj.cxx:1739: cannot make <../AbstractRed.otp> absolute against broken base <> warn:tools.urlobj:10469:1:tools/source/fsys/urlobj.cxx:1739: cannot make <../AbstractYellow.otp> absolute against broken base <> I am building with the --enable-extra-template switch Alex _______________________________________________ LibreOffice mailing list