Hi Eike,
Op 27-08-13 16:20, Eike Rathke wrote:
Hi Winfried,
On Tuesday, 2013-08-27 06:48:28 -0700, Winfried Donkers wrote:
commit e5321437322fd812b93fee266af309e782479488
Author: Winfried Donkers <winfrieddonk...@libreoffice.org>
Date: Thu Aug 22 17:03:58 2013 +0200
get rid of unnecessary warning
A value of 0 for Opcode eOp produces a debug assertion that is
not in place as opcode with value does exist (ocPush, SC_OPCODE_PUSH).
--- a/formula/source/core/api/FormulaCompiler.cxx
+++ b/formula/source/core/api/FormulaCompiler.cxx
@@ -488,8 +488,8 @@ uno::Sequence< sheet::FormulaOpCodeMapEntry >
void FormulaCompiler::OpCodeMap::putOpCode( const String & rStr, const OpCode eOp )
- DBG_ASSERT( 0 < eOp && sal_uInt16(eOp) < mnSymbols, "OpCodeMap::putOpCode:
OpCode out of range");
- if (0 < eOp && sal_uInt16(eOp) < mnSymbols)
+ DBG_ASSERT( sal_uInt16(eOp) < mnSymbols, "OpCodeMap::putOpCode: OpCode out of
+ if (sal_uInt16(eOp) < mnSymbols)
When did you encounter that warning?
Putting ocPush into an OpCodeMap probably indicates an error, as ocPush
is not an operator or function that maps to any string. An ocPush is
always used with a cell reference, fixed value or function result.
Unless there is a compelling reason for this change I suggest to revert it.
That warning occurred e.g. on start up of calc.
FormulaCompiler::OpCodeMap::putOpCode() is called for opCode 0 and then
for opCode 6 till 412 (as the warning ' reusing opCode' occurs as many
As in FormulaCompiler::String& getSymbol() the DBG_ASSERT is called
without the 0 < eOp, eOp is unsigned (so the expression is about eOp
equalling 0 only) and other special commands (opCode 1 till 5) aren' t
excluded, I thought it safe to remove the 0 < eOp from both lines.
I hope this information helps. If you want to revert the change, it may
be wise to make the DBG_ASSERT expression in FormulaCompiler::String&
getSymbol() the same and/or check for all special command opCodes (i.e.
check for eOp > 5).
And of course, fixing the cause of the call of
FormulaCompiler::OpCodemap::putOpCode() with eOp 0. ;)
Meanwhile, I keep on digging in add-in functions that always appear with
local function names (fdo#50118)...
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