On 08/20/2013 07:51 AM, Eike Rathke wrote:
Hi Winfried,
On Tuesday, 2013-08-20 09:37:39 +0200, Winfried Donkers wrote:
The warnings occur when opening a document with formulas (one warning for each
formulacell, =sum(..) as well as =A1+A2) and e.g. when recalculating.
Shall I leave it as it is now (and continue my quest with fdo#50118), or can I
easily remedy this?
Just leave it as is for now, to fix it we need to investigate where
formula cells that are already in the recalculation chain have their
token arrays changed.
Perhaps the recently-landed shared formula implementation changes things
around in this area? With the shared formula, multiple ScFormulaCell
instances may share the same ScTokenArray instance.
Kohei Yoshida, LibreOffice Calc hacker, SUSE.
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