On Tue, 2013-08-20 at 12:52 +0200, Michael Stahl wrote:
> On 20/08/13 08:18, Andrzej Hunt wrote:
> > Additionally, I'm considering whether it's worthwhile specifically
> > detecting the error that occurs when trying to open/create an embedded
> > db with fbclient in order to show a more obvious dialog -- this should
> > be fairly simple (I still need to make the error reporting a bit more
> > user friendly anyway for fb).
> > 
> > Also, I could maybe adapt the Driver class to not supply
> > "sdbc:embedded:firebird" as a supported url scheme when we are running
> > fbclient, I still need to look at how this could be verified. This might
> > not be such a good idea though since then trying to open a .odb with
> > embedded firebird will probably result in a cryptic "driver not found"
> > or similar error, whereas the above solution will result in a specific
> > error message.
> why not simply a build-time check, e.g. check (grep) in configure that
> the link flags for firebird don't contain "fbclient" which is surely wrong.
There is the (very remote) possibility that someone might want to
specifically build against fbclient -- however that's probably very rare
and most of the time fbclient would only be used accidentally, so the
above possibility does seem best -- I'll try and add that.

(Should anyone decide they really need this they could probably add an
extra configure flag e.g. --with-fbclient or similar to disable the

I'll probably still add the error detection at opening/creation just in
case a user still ends up with a build that uses fbclient for whatever
reason -- this would still be needed in any case to show prettier errors
if a local file / remote server / etc. doesn't exist or isn't reachable
etc., so detecting and showing a "you should be using fbembed" error
wouldn't be much more work.

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