svx/source/table/tablecontroller.cxx |    9 ++++-----
 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

New commits:
commit d9a888fcd2d667c6b2932cd7d1a4bd33ae4796f7
Author: David Tardon <>
Date:   Mon Jun 3 14:37:09 2013 +0200

    fix comment to agree with code
    Change-Id: I82cc02e6bc63f04655ba87039d008f2c25025a30

diff --git a/svx/source/table/tablecontroller.cxx 
index b91ea92..b01839c 100644
--- a/svx/source/table/tablecontroller.cxx
+++ b/svx/source/table/tablecontroller.cxx
@@ -2750,12 +2750,11 @@ void 
SvxTableController::FillCommonBorderAttrFromSelectedCells( SvxBoxItem& rBox
             /* Here we go through all the selected cells (enhanced by
              * the adjoining row/column on each side) and determine the
              * lines for presentation. The algorithm is simple:
-             * 1. if a border or inner line is set in all cells to the
-             *    same value, it will be used.
+             * 1. if a border or inner line is set (or unset) in all
+             *    cells to the same value, it will be used.
              * 2. if a border or inner line is set only in some cells,
-             *    or it has different values, it will be set to
-             *    indeterminate state (SetValid() on rBoxInfoItem).
-             * 3. otherwise it will be unset.
+             *    it will be set to indeterminate state (SetValid() on
+             *    rBoxInfoItem).
             for( sal_Int32 nRow = std::max( aStart.mnRow - 1, (sal_Int32)0 ); 
nRow < nLastRow; nRow++ )
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