I'm not a troll, I give my name, email and I give logical reasons for not accepting the imposition of English in all fields.

Citizens of poor countries, as even Spain, are discriminated against for not speaking English, irregular language learning costs 30,000 euros wrong while the richest have their children in bilingual private schools that cost 500 euros per month per student.

Why do you use free software if you already have Windows and MS Office? As for not feeding monopolies, impositions having a fairer way on computers. The same happens in the languages​​.

Windows: "all have" unclear as to force you to buy it all brand laptops: Windows tax.

English: "Most read it", of course, because they force you to study in all schools.

I'm no longer worry more about this issue, but I wanted to acknowledge the inconsistency of support free software while supporting the imposition of English when alternatives are fairer and better (learn to read Esperanto are 3-6 months you already know English does not mean that most know it, and those who read it as I know we spent thousands of euros against our will to over use it against us).

Discuss not always trolling when there are logical reasons.

Best regards.

El 29/05/13 11:35, Guillermo Molleda Jimena escribió:

Please do not feed the troll.
Hi Guillermo,

because English is spoken and understood by more people than German.

You have to look which language is most-spoken:


So the better choice above English would only be Standard Chinese...

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