Hi Caolan,

Confirmed that libX11 x86_64 is installed, but you are right about exotic
I used headless because I had issues without it.
Please ignore the original issue (#1) and please help me with issue (#2)

when I do not give headless to autogen.sh
>  ./autogen.sh  --prefix=/work/opt/libreoffice-4.0 --without-junit
--enable-debug  --without-java

I get following error :
     checking for GSTREAMER_0_10... configure: error: Package requirements
(gstreamer-0.10 gstreamer-plugins-base-0.10 ) were not met:
     No package 'gstreamer-plugins-base-0.10' found

I have gstreamer-plugins-base installed :
> rpm -qa |grep gstreamer-plugins-base

#3 Would you be able to give me some pointers on how the make is structured.
   I can now see desktop/Executable_oospash.mk has -lX11 but not sure how
the path is followed to get to that line. I tried make -d but it doesn't
show the trace.
only : [build LNK] Executable/oosplash


Hmm, the makefile is desktop/Executable_oosplashx.mk and it already has
> a -lX11 in it.
> So..., I suppose.
> a) you definitely have libX11-devel.x86_64 installed (and not just
> libX11-devel.i386) ?
> b) you didn't add any exotic configure options like --enable-headless to
> your configure line (seeing as -lX11 is inside a ifndef headless
> section.
> C.

Intuition - is the inability to figure out the facts on which we based the
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