On Mon, 2013-01-21 at 17:55 +0100, Lionel Elie Mamane wrote:
> On Sat, Jan 19, 2013 at 11:17:20AM -0500, Terrence Enger wrote:
> > How would this compare in effort and benefit to the job of making
> > the mysql extension work with LibreOffice 4.0?
> The MySQL extension just needs to be compiled/linked against
> LibreOffice 4.0; then it should work. No development work needed. Only
> building (for GNU/Linux and MacOS (if necessary): on an OS install as
> old as what the extension wants to be compatible with).
> So, here's how "it" compares in effort and benefit, "it" being "the
> stuff described in the ESC minutes that you linked to".
>  - MUCH more work
>  - MUCH more benefit, since it would allow the MySQL SDBC connector to
>    be bundled with LibreOffice. I will *gladly* review a patch that
>    does that!

That sounds too ambitious for me to work on usefully.  I shall have to
look for smaller tasks.

BTW, I have not been simply ignoring you; for four weeks I had only
fleeting, intermittent connection to the internet.


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