Hi Rob,

On Thu, Feb 14, 2013 at 11:46:25PM +0100, Rob Snelders <programm...@ertai.nl> 
> I tried to submit a patch to the website-repository on FDO[1]. But
> when I tried I got the error: "The reference for this repository is
> gerrit. do not push directly to fdo"
> When has this repository been pulled into gerrit? I didn't see a
> announcement but I may have missed it. Can the logerrit-script be
> copied in that repository? And can I have direct commit access to that
> repository in gerrit as I commit the most in that repository.

Hmm, I'll look into this. I asked copying the git 'update' hook on the
server from the core repo to several other repos to have the same hook
there, this way e.g. the sender and the subject of the mails on the
commits list is improved. I wasn't ware the website repo is not yet on

Sorry for the trouble, will came back to you in a bit,


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