On 09/11/12 07:17, khagaroth wrote:
> -1.
> If you want to add something new instead of improving the current
> functionality, the only thing that would make sense is an Outlook
> counterpart. That's the only thing that's missing for a complete
> office suite.

i wonder why people say that an office suite needs to have an email
client: is that only because Microsoft Office includes one?

having never been a user of Microsoft Office: what specifically are the
benefits of having an email client in the suite that are not currently
supported in LibreOffice by its various Send As Email / Mail Merge /
Address Book integration etc. features that are configurable to work
with a number of external mail clients such as Thunderbird, Evolution, etc.?

surely nobody actually wants to embed a mail client into a Writer
document as an OLE object?

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