solenv/bin/modules/                   |    1 
 solenv/bin/modules/installer/           |    2 
 solenv/bin/modules/installer/windows/      |    4 
 solenv/bin/modules/installer/windows/     |  101 ---------------------
 solenv/bin/modules/installer/windows/ |  103 ----------------------
 5 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 207 deletions(-)

New commits:
commit 1a2cd886786f52635136009ac4fd6f61e1b120bc
Author: Andras Timar <>
Date:   Thu Sep 20 20:22:22 2012 +0200

    reduce complexity of installer maker script
    $use_packages_for_cab and $cab_file_per_component variables were
    always 0, so I deleted the code dealing with the non-zero case.
    Change-Id: I0a678524cb308d834e4d61f2156a92400c02ae99

diff --git a/solenv/bin/modules/ b/solenv/bin/modules/
index 71bc3c5..287291a 100644
--- a/solenv/bin/modules/
+++ b/solenv/bin/modules/
@@ -1685,7 +1685,6 @@ sub run {
                     # if there are Merge Modules, they have to be integrated 
                     $filesinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref = 
 $filesinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref, $msifilename, $languagestringref, 
$onelanguage, $languagefile, $allvariableshashref, $includepatharrayref, 
$allupdatesequences, $allupdatelastsequences, $allupdatediskids);
-                    if ( $installer::globals::use_packages_for_cabs ) { 
 $newidtdir, $allvariableshashref, $allupdatelastsequences, $allupdatediskids); 
                     # copy msi database into installation directory
diff --git a/solenv/bin/modules/installer/ 
index c99af76..48e377b 100644
--- a/solenv/bin/modules/installer/
+++ b/solenv/bin/modules/installer/
@@ -232,11 +232,9 @@ BEGIN
     $one_cab_file = 0;
     $fix_number_of_cab_files = 1;
-    $cab_file_per_component = 0;
     $cabfilecompressionlevel = 21; # Using LZX compression, possible values 
are: 15 | 16 | ... | 21 (best compression)
     $number_of_cabfiles = 1;    # only for $fix_number_of_cab_files = 1
     $include_cab_in_msi = 1;
-    $use_packages_for_cabs = 0;
     $msidatabasename = "";
     $prepare_winpatch = 0;
     $previous_idt_dir = "";
diff --git a/solenv/bin/modules/installer/windows/ 
index e0e4372..b62b9a5 100644
--- a/solenv/bin/modules/installer/windows/
+++ b/solenv/bin/modules/installer/windows/
@@ -634,10 +634,6 @@ sub get_sequence_for_file
             $installer::globals::newfilesexist = 1;
-    elsif (( $onefile->{'assignedsequencenumber'} ) && ( 
$installer::globals::use_packages_for_cabs ))
-    {
-        $sequence = $onefile->{'assignedsequencenumber'};
-    }
         $sequence = $number;
diff --git a/solenv/bin/modules/installer/windows/ 
index 12da8a7..13154c6 100644
--- a/solenv/bin/modules/installer/windows/
+++ b/solenv/bin/modules/installer/windows/
@@ -245,106 +245,7 @@ sub create_media_table
     installer::windows::idtglobal::write_idt_header(\@mediatable, "media");
-    if ( $allvariables->{'INCLUDE_CAB_IN_MSI'} ) { 
$installer::globals::include_cab_in_msi = 1; }
-    if ( $installer::globals::use_packages_for_cabs )
-    {
-        my $cabfile;
-        foreach $cabfile ( sort keys %installer::globals::lastsequence )
-        {
-            my %media = ();
-            $diskid++;
-            $media{'DiskId'} = get_media_diskid($diskid);
-            $media{'LastSequence'} = get_last_sequence($cabfile, 
-            $media{'DiskPrompt'} = get_media_diskprompt();
-            $media{'Cabinet'} = get_cabfilename($cabfile);
-            $media{'VolumeLabel'} = get_media_volumelabel();
-            $media{'Source'} = get_media_source();
-            my $oneline = $media{'DiskId'} . "\t" . $media{'LastSequence'} . 
"\t" . $media{'DiskPrompt'} . "\t"
-                        . $media{'Cabinet'} . "\t" . $media{'VolumeLabel'} . 
"\t" . $media{'Source'} . "\n";
-            push(@mediatable, $oneline);
-            # Comparing the disk id with the disk id from update database. 
Both have to be identical. New files have to be added
-            # to the new pff cabinet file. And existing cab files must not be 
-            if ( $installer::globals::updatedatabase )
-            {
-                # Comparing lines in new media table with line from media 
table in udpate database.
-                if ( exists($allupdatediskids->{$media{'Cabinet'}}) )
-                {
-                    if ( $media{'DiskId'} != 
$allupdatediskids->{$media{'Cabinet'}} )
-                    {
-                        installer::exiter::exit_program("ERROR: Different 
DiskIDs for cab file \"$media{'Cabinet'}\".\nCurrent installation set: 
\"$media{'DiskId'}\", but update database used 
\"$allupdatediskids->{$media{'Cabinet'}}\".\nWere cabinet files removed or 
added?", "create_media_table");
-                    }
-                }
-                else
-                {
-                    my $localinfoline = "Warning: Could not find cabinet file 
\"$media{'Cabinet'}}\" in update database. This seems to be an new cabinet 
-                    push(@installer::globals::logfileinfo, $localinfoline);
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        # one new cabinet file for all files added after the final release
-        if (( $installer::globals::updatedatabase ) && ( 
$installer::globals::pfffileexists ))
-        {
-            my %media = ();
-            $diskid++;
-            $media{'DiskId'} = get_media_diskid($diskid) + 
$installer::globals::mergemodulenumber;  # Adding mergemodulenumber, because 
this files are included later
-            $media{'LastSequence'} = 
-            $media{'DiskPrompt'} = get_media_diskprompt();
-            $media{'Cabinet'} = 
-            $media{'VolumeLabel'} = get_media_volumelabel();
-            $media{'Source'} = get_media_source();
-            my $oneline = $media{'DiskId'} . "\t" . $media{'LastSequence'} . 
"\t" . $media{'DiskPrompt'} . "\t"
-                        . $media{'Cabinet'} . "\t" . $media{'VolumeLabel'} . 
"\t" . $media{'Source'} . "\n";
-            push(@mediatable, $oneline);
-        }
-    }
-    elsif ( $installer::globals::cab_file_per_component )
-    {
-        for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$filesref}; $i++ )
-        {
-            my $onefile = ${$filesref}[$i];
-            my $nextfile = ${$filesref}[$i+1];
-            my $filecomponent = "";
-            my $nextcomponent = "";
-            if ( $onefile->{'componentname'} ) { $filecomponent = 
$onefile->{'componentname'}; }
-            if ( $nextfile->{'componentname'} ) { $nextcomponent = 
$nextfile->{'componentname'}; }
-            if ( $filecomponent eq $nextcomponent )
-            {
-                next;       # nothing to do, this is not the last file of a 
-            }
-            my %media = ();
-            $diskid++;
-            $media{'DiskId'} = get_media_diskid($diskid);
-            $media{'LastSequence'} = get_media_lastsequence($onefile);
-            $media{'DiskPrompt'} = get_media_diskprompt();
-            $media{'Cabinet'} = get_media_cabinet($diskid);
-            $media{'VolumeLabel'} = get_media_volumelabel();
-            $media{'Source'} = get_media_source();
-            my $oneline = $media{'DiskId'} . "\t" . $media{'LastSequence'} . 
"\t" . $media{'DiskPrompt'} . "\t"
-                    . $media{'Cabinet'} . "\t" . $media{'VolumeLabel'} . "\t" 
. $media{'Source'} . "\n";
-            push(@mediatable, $oneline);
-            $media{'Cabinet'} =~ s/^\s*\#//;    # removing leading hash
$filesref, $filecomponent, $i);
-        }
-    }
-    elsif ( $installer::globals::fix_number_of_cab_files )
+    if ( $installer::globals::fix_number_of_cab_files )
         # number of cabfiles
         my $maxcabfilenumber = $installer::globals::number_of_cabfiles;
diff --git a/solenv/bin/modules/installer/windows/ 
index 30af839..1b6223d 100644
--- a/solenv/bin/modules/installer/windows/
+++ b/solenv/bin/modules/installer/windows/
@@ -173,104 +173,7 @@ sub generate_cab_file_list
     if ( $^O =~ /cygwin/i ) { 
installer::worker::generate_cygwin_paths($filesref); }
-    if ( $installer::globals::use_packages_for_cabs )
-    {
-        my $sequenceorder = get_sequenceorder($filesref);
-        my $counter = 1;
-        my $currentcabfile = "";
-        while ( ( exists($sequenceorder->{$counter}) ) || ( 
exists($installer::globals::allmergemodulefilesequences{$counter}) ) ) # Taking 
care of files from merge modules
-        {
-            if ( 
exists($installer::globals::allmergemodulefilesequences{$counter}) )
-            {
-                # Skipping this sequence, it is not included in $filesref, 
because it is assigned to a file from a merge module.\n";
-                $counter++;
-                next;
-            }
-            # Files with increasing sequencerorder are included in one cab file
-            my $onefile = ${$filesref}[$sequenceorder->{$counter}];
-            my $cabinetfile = $onefile->{'assignedcabinetfile'};
-            my $sourcepath =  $onefile->{'sourcepath'};
-            if ( $^O =~ /cygwin/i ) { $sourcepath = 
$onefile->{'cyg_sourcepath'}; }
-            my $uniquename =  $onefile->{'uniquename'};
-            my $styles = "";
-            my $doinclude = 1;
-            if ( $onefile->{'Styles'} ) { $styles = $onefile->{'Styles'}; };
-            if ( $styles =~ /\bDONT_PACK\b/ ) { $doinclude = 0; }
-            # to avoid lines with more than 256 characters, it can be useful 
to use relative paths
-            $sourcepath = make_relative_ddf_path($sourcepath);
-            # all files with the same cabinetfile have increasing 
-            my @ddffile = ();
-            write_ddf_file_header(\@ddffile, $cabinetfile, $installdir);
-            my $ddfline = "\"" . $sourcepath . "\" \"" . $uniquename . "\"\n";
-            if ( $doinclude ) { push(@ddffile, $ddfline); }
-            $counter++; # increasing the counter
-            my $nextfile = "";
-            my $nextcabinetfile = "";
-            if ( exists($sequenceorder->{$counter}) ) { $nextfile = 
${$filesref}[$sequenceorder->{$counter}]; }
-            if ( $nextfile->{'assignedcabinetfile'} ) { $nextcabinetfile = 
$nextfile->{'assignedcabinetfile'}; }
-            while ( $nextcabinetfile eq $cabinetfile )
-            {
-                $sourcepath =  $nextfile->{'sourcepath'};
-                if ( $^O =~ /cygwin/i ) { $sourcepath = 
$nextfile->{'cyg_sourcepath'}; }
-                # to avoid lines with more than 256 characters, it can be 
useful to use relative paths
-                $sourcepath = make_relative_ddf_path($sourcepath);
-                $uniquename =  $nextfile->{'uniquename'};
-                my $localdoinclude = 1;
-                my $nextfilestyles = "";
-                if ( $nextfile->{'Styles'} ) { $nextfilestyles = 
$nextfile->{'Styles'}; }
-                if ( $nextfilestyles =~ /\bDONT_PACK\b/ ) { $localdoinclude = 
0; }
-                $ddfline = "\"" . $sourcepath . "\" \"" . $uniquename . "\"\n";
-                if ( $localdoinclude ) { push(@ddffile, $ddfline); }
-                $counter++; # increasing the counter!
-                $nextcabinetfile = "_lastfile_";
-                if ( exists($sequenceorder->{$counter}) )
-                {
-                    $nextfile = ${$filesref}[$sequenceorder->{$counter}];
-                    $nextcabinetfile = $nextfile->{'assignedcabinetfile'};
-                }
-            }
-            # creating the DDF file
-            my $ddffilename = $cabinetfile;
-            $ddffilename =~ s/.cab/.ddf/;
-            $ddfdir =~ s/\Q$installer::globals::separator\E\s*$//;
-            $ddffilename = $ddfdir . $installer::globals::separator . 
-            installer::files::save_file($ddffilename ,\@ddffile);
-            my $infoline = "Created ddf file: $ddffilename\n";
-            push(@installer::globals::logfileinfo, $infoline);
-            # lines in ddf files must not be longer than 256 characters
-            check_ddf_file(\@ddffile, $ddffilename);
-            # Writing the makecab system call
-            my $oneline = "makecab.exe /V3 /F " . $ddffilename . " 2\>\&1 |" . 
-            if ( $installer::globals::isunix )
-            {
-                $oneline = "$ENV{'OUTDIR_FOR_BUILD'}/bin/makecab.exe /V3 /F " 
. $ddffilename . " 2\>\&1 |" . "\n";
-            }
-            push(@cabfilelist, $oneline);
-            # collecting all ddf files
-            push(@installer::globals::allddffiles, $ddffilename);
-        }
-    }
-    elsif ((( $installer::globals::cab_file_per_component ) || ( 
$installer::globals::fix_number_of_cab_files )) && ( 
$installer::globals::updatedatabase ))
+    if (( $installer::globals::fix_number_of_cab_files ) && ( 
$installer::globals::updatedatabase ))
         my $sequenceorder = get_sequenceorder($filesref);
@@ -367,7 +270,7 @@ sub generate_cab_file_list
             push(@installer::globals::allddffiles, $ddffilename);
-    elsif (( $installer::globals::cab_file_per_component ) || ( 
$installer::globals::fix_number_of_cab_files ))
+    elsif ( $installer::globals::fix_number_of_cab_files )
         for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$filesref}; $i++ )
commit 8090b809e95d52fce2d59e7d1ec68b3869dd2d54
Author: Andras Timar <>
Date:   Thu Sep 20 19:09:18 2012 +0200

    copy-paste error
    Change-Id: Ibcaf04447507926a97eed3d1cea400ac589023c2

diff --git a/solenv/bin/modules/installer/windows/ 
index 3583c3d..30af839 100644
--- a/solenv/bin/modules/installer/windows/
+++ b/solenv/bin/modules/installer/windows/
@@ -571,7 +571,7 @@ sub generate_cab_file_list
-        installer::exiter::exit_program("ERROR: No cab file specification in !", "create_media_table");
+        installer::exiter::exit_program("ERROR: No cab file specification in !", "generate_cab_file_list");
     installer::logger::include_timestamp_into_logfile("Performance Info: ddf 
file generation end");
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