
On Mon, Jul 23, 2012 at 11:50:12PM +0500, Muhammad Waqas Iftikhar wrote:
> Me and my friends are trying to work on to embedd SQLite under base instead
> of hsqldb. For that we are trying to understand how BASE works with HSQLDB
> for now. We've been debugging Libreoffice for a while now. In our search
> for code relating to HSQLDB, we've gone through the code in the "load"
> function of "dbloader2.cxx" found in the "source/filter/xml" directory
> under the "dbaccess" module as well as the code in "connection.cxx" file
> found in the "source/code/dataaccess" folder, also under the "dbaccess"
> module. We've seen how the wizards and the windows for Base are initialized
> and then displayed and how the connection is established when the tables
> are to be accessed. However, we haven't been able to locate the portion of
> code that actually initializes HSQLDB. Please give us an idea of how to
> proceed further.

The database drivers are all located in connectivity module. HSQLDB is
in connectivity/source/drivers/hsqldb and configuration for it in
connectivity/registry/hsqldb . The registry and component files are
further processed in postprocess/packregistry/makefile.mk and
postprocess/packcomponents/makefile.mk, respectively. Your new SQLite
driver should use the same structure.

Thank you for working on this. Ask if you have any further questions. :-)

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