I have written a Wiki page with snapshots for this issue. Feel free to edit and/or reformat as needed. Once a 25.2.2 RC is released, I can just add a new Step 1 that says “install LibreOffice 25.2.2 RC or later”:
https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/MacOS/Dark_Mode I want to thank Cloph for the Light Application Color extension workaround. I also want to thank Sahil for jumping in and handling all of the theming code and creating the extension that give users a way to get their document content in light mode. Essentially, the unexpected change in recent macOS updates (they surprisingly removed a deprecated features in a minor release) is the trigger for this issue. Users wanting the old look (document content in light mode and toolbars, etc. in dark mode) find their way to the Appearance preferences and change that from “System” to “Light”. With the Apple change, the system colers don’t change (they now always return the color for the system light/dark mode, not the applications light/dark mode leading to both light and dark colors mixed randomly into an unreadable mess even when you switch back to “System”. I will try to get links to this Wiki page on r/libreoffice and in bugzilla. Keeping LibreOffice on the 24.8 branch for now I think will really reduce the support load. Hopefully I can find a fix for bug 156855. Documents appear to be using cached colors and some colors won’t update the color until LibreOffice is restarted. One last thing: I am expecting that we will see a steady stream of “cannot see any black text in document” posts (i.e. the first “known issue” in my Wiki page). My prediction is that this will be the biggest cause of users changing the appearance from “System” to “Light” and might affect all platforms. I don’t know if this is still the case, but back when I added full dark mode in NeoOffice, there were a lot of users that had documents with all the text set to black instead of automatic. Maybe Microsoft Office or Apple’s Pages and Nmbers? I don’t think this is our bug but we might need some help from marketing to get the word out on what to do when this happens. Patrick > On Feb 27, 2025, at 10:45 AM, Miklos Vajna <vmik...@collabora.com> wrote: > > + 25.2.2 rc1 is also in 1 week > + macOS themeing issue > https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/show_bug.cgi?id5266 > maybe shorten the cycle to a single RC > + more likely in 25.2 -- automatic switch based on system preference in > document workspace area triggers the bug / makes people switch to custom > setting in LO > + results in a dark page background > + workaround is to install an extension ("Light application colors" theme) > + the bug is bad: black text on black background > + Patrick's patch: fixes at least the UI part > https://gerrit.libreoffice.org/c/core/+/182116 > + not complete, so no RC3 for the old release (Cloph) > + 24.8 is better in practice here > + so expect to tag 24.8 first, then 25.2 (next week) > + if Patrick/Sahil have a better macOS fix till then (Cloph) > (otherwise 25.2 will also get the usual two rcs)
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