Present: Eyal, Heiko Comments: Stuart, Roman Tickets/Topics
* Ctrl+LShift, Ctrl+RShift behavior vis-a-vis direction & alignment - inconsistent? + + ctrl+l/rshift are not effective as long CTL/CJK is not enabled + ctrl+lshift in fact changes the text direction from RTL to superordinate object setting (might depend on the actual scenario) + functions must not be hard-coded (Heiko) + bug is about different behavior of the shortcut depending on the source, it forces alignment and direction (Eyal) + LTR/RTL commands are available as ctrl+shift+a/d (Heiko) + remove ctrl + lshift/rshift because it is not customizable and alternatives exit for both functions (Heiko) + don't remove it as it is common in other applications (Eyal) + for LTR text pressing ctrl+lshift does a) align left and b) keep/set superordinate direction, with ctrl+rshit it does a) right align and b) change the text direction to RTL; and vice versa for RTL source + with additional start/end alignment option requested in bug 163675 this function would be obsolete (Eyal) => comment * [UI] Data provider dialog needs better wording/labels + + Data Provider -> Data Format; change the org.libreoffice* items to user-friendly names (Eyal) + Id/XPath -> Identifier or XPath (Eyal), just "Identifier" and more details in a tooltip like "Table identifier in the HTML source; 'Xpath' in XML source" (Heiko) + Text Transformation -> (keep), Number Transformation -> Numeric, Replace Null Transformation -> Replace Null, Date & Time Transformation -> Date and Time, Find Replace Transformation -> Find and Replace (ampersand are difficult here) => do it * Non-existent removed files remain shown in the open "Recent Documents" menu's list, without visual distinction + + "Clear Unavailable Files" via start center (Stuart) + against a menu item by default but open to allow customization (Heiko) + disable menuitems in the MRU for unavailable files (Heiko) + pin items that must not be auto deleted but remove unavailable documents otherwise (Eyal) + unclear workflow, ie. when to make the document a favorite (Heiko) + some users might prefer privacy and want auto-deletion (Eyal) + not objecting an option in the start center (Heiko) => do it * NAVIGATOR headings view -- "expand all" should be the default view (in some cases) + + don't think it's a good idea (Roman) + it is possible to collapse/expand all items of the tree (Eyal) + against the request (Eyal, Heiko) => WF * Improve UX around Conditional Formatting + + current dialog not convenient but not sure about the best direction; would like to maintain, or even enhance, ability to create complex condition hierarchies while making the creating of simple rulers easier (Eyal) => keep open
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