sc/source/core/inc/cellkeytranslator.hxx  |    6 -
 sc/source/core/tool/cellkeytranslator.cxx |  134 +++++++++++++++---------------
 2 files changed, 70 insertions(+), 70 deletions(-)

New commits:
commit eca5475de85bed4dc0b4026a9d6558547721287e
Author:     Mike Kaganski <>
AuthorDate: Sun Feb 2 19:34:51 2025 +0500
Commit:     Mike Kaganski <>
CommitDate: Sun Feb 2 17:53:50 2025 +0100

    Use OUString instead of run-time conversion from char arrays
    Change-Id: I94bd75121796b84b8ea44f5e3bed1893d0b02edf
    Reviewed-by: Mike Kaganski <>
    Tested-by: Jenkins

diff --git a/sc/source/core/inc/cellkeytranslator.hxx 
index 06dbee933f75..f2a30d77d72d 100644
--- a/sc/source/core/inc/cellkeytranslator.hxx
+++ b/sc/source/core/inc/cellkeytranslator.hxx
@@ -34,11 +34,11 @@ struct TransItem;
 struct ScCellKeyword
-    const char* mpName;
+    OUString msName;
     OpCode meOpCode;
     const css::lang::Locale& mrLocale;
-    ScCellKeyword(const char* pName, OpCode eOpCode, const css::lang::Locale& 
+    ScCellKeyword(const OUString& sName, OpCode eOpCode, const 
css::lang::Locale& rLocale);
 typedef std::unordered_map<OUString, ::std::vector<ScCellKeyword>> 
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ public:
-    void addToMap(const OUString& rKey, const char* pName, const 
css::lang::Locale& rLocale,
+    void addToMap(const OUString& rKey, const OUString& pName, const 
css::lang::Locale& rLocale,
                   OpCode eOpCode);
     static ::std::unique_ptr<ScCellKeywordTranslator> spInstance;
diff --git a/sc/source/core/tool/cellkeytranslator.cxx 
index 6183ab9f85c7..801d0358b151 100644
--- a/sc/source/core/tool/cellkeytranslator.cxx
+++ b/sc/source/core/tool/cellkeytranslator.cxx
@@ -70,8 +70,8 @@ static LocaleMatch lclLocaleCompare(const lang::Locale& 
rLocale1, const Language
     return eMatchLevel;
-ScCellKeyword::ScCellKeyword(const char* pName, OpCode eOpCode, const 
lang::Locale& rLocale) :
-    mpName(pName),
+ScCellKeyword::ScCellKeyword(const OUString& sName, OpCode eOpCode, const 
lang::Locale& rLocale) :
+    msName(sName),
@@ -93,12 +93,12 @@ static void lclMatchKeyword(OUString& rName, const 
ScCellKeywordHashMap& aMap,
         // Since no locale nor opcode matching is needed, simply return
         // the first item on the list.
-        rName = OUString::createFromAscii( itr->second.front().mpName );
+        rName = itr->second.front().msName;
     LanguageTag aLanguageTag( pLocale ? *pLocale : 
-    const char* aBestMatchName = nullptr;
+    const OUString* aBestMatchName = nullptr;
     LocaleMatch eLocaleMatchLevel = LOCALE_MATCH_NONE;
     bool bOpCodeMatched = false;
@@ -112,18 +112,18 @@ static void lclMatchKeyword(OUString& rName, const 
ScCellKeywordHashMap& aMap,
                 if ( eLevel == LOCALE_MATCH_ALL )
                     // Name with matching opcode and locale found.
-                    rName = OUString::createFromAscii( elem.mpName );
+                    rName = elem.msName;
                 else if ( eLevel > eLocaleMatchLevel )
                     // Name with a better matching locale.
                     eLocaleMatchLevel = eLevel;
-                    aBestMatchName = elem.mpName;
+                    aBestMatchName = &elem.msName;
                 else if ( !bOpCodeMatched )
                     // At least the opcode matches.
-                    aBestMatchName = elem.mpName;
+                    aBestMatchName = &elem.msName;
                 bOpCodeMatched = true;
@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ static void lclMatchKeyword(OUString& rName, const 
ScCellKeywordHashMap& aMap,
             if ( elem.meOpCode == eOpCode )
                 // Name with a matching opcode preferred.
-                rName = OUString::createFromAscii( elem.mpName );
+                rName = elem.msName;
@@ -143,21 +143,21 @@ static void lclMatchKeyword(OUString& rName, const 
ScCellKeywordHashMap& aMap,
             if ( eLevel == LOCALE_MATCH_ALL )
                 // Name with matching locale preferred.
-                rName = OUString::createFromAscii( elem.mpName );
+                rName = elem.msName;
             else if ( eLevel > eLocaleMatchLevel )
                 // Name with a better matching locale.
                 eLocaleMatchLevel = eLevel;
-                aBestMatchName = elem.mpName;
+                aBestMatchName = &elem.msName;
     // No preferred strings found.  Return the best matching name.
     if (aBestMatchName)
-        rName = OUString::createFromAscii(aBestMatchName);
+        rName = *aBestMatchName;
 void ScCellKeywordTranslator::transKeyword(OUString& rName, const 
lang::Locale* pLocale, OpCode eOpCode)
@@ -174,8 +174,8 @@ void ScCellKeywordTranslator::transKeyword(OUString& rName, 
const lang::Locale*
 struct TransItem
-    const sal_Unicode*  from;
-    const char*         to;
+    OUString            from;
+    OUString            to;
     OpCode              func;
@@ -190,85 +190,85 @@ ScCellKeywordTranslator::ScCellKeywordTranslator() :
     static const lang::Locale aFr(u"fr"_ustr, u""_ustr, u""_ustr);
-    static const TransItem pFr[] = {
-        { u"ADRESSE", "ADDRESS", ocCell },
-        { u"COLONNE", "COL", ocCell },
-        { u"CONTENU", "CONTENTS", ocCell },
-        { u"COULEUR", "COLOR", ocCell },
-        { u"LARGEUR", "WIDTH", ocCell },
-        { u"LIGNE", "ROW", ocCell },
-        { u"NOMFICHIER", "FILENAME", ocCell },
-        { u"PREFIXE", "PREFIX", ocCell },
-        { u"PROTEGE", "PROTECT", ocCell },
-        { u"NBFICH", "NUMFILE", ocInfo },
-        { u"RECALCUL", "RECALC", ocInfo },
-        { u"SYSTEXPL", "SYSTEM", ocInfo },
-        { u"VERSION", "RELEASE", ocInfo },
-        { u"VERSIONSE", "OSVERSION", ocInfo },
+    static constexpr TransItem pFr[] = {
+        { u"ADRESSE"_ustr, u"ADDRESS"_ustr, ocCell },
+        { u"COLONNE"_ustr, u"COL"_ustr, ocCell },
+        { u"CONTENU"_ustr, u"CONTENTS"_ustr, ocCell },
+        { u"COULEUR"_ustr, u"COLOR"_ustr, ocCell },
+        { u"LARGEUR"_ustr, u"WIDTH"_ustr, ocCell },
+        { u"LIGNE"_ustr, u"ROW"_ustr, ocCell },
+        { u"NOMFICHIER"_ustr, u"FILENAME"_ustr, ocCell },
+        { u"PREFIXE"_ustr, u"PREFIX"_ustr, ocCell },
+        { u"PROTEGE"_ustr, u"PROTECT"_ustr, ocCell },
+        { u"NBFICH"_ustr, u"NUMFILE"_ustr, ocInfo },
+        { u"RECALCUL"_ustr, u"RECALC"_ustr, ocInfo },
+        { u"SYSTEXPL"_ustr, u"SYSTEM"_ustr, ocInfo },
+        { u"VERSION"_ustr, u"RELEASE"_ustr, ocInfo },
+        { u"VERSIONSE"_ustr, u"OSVERSION"_ustr, ocInfo },
     for (const auto& element : pFr)
-        addToMap(OUString(element.from),, aFr, element.func);
+        addToMap(element.from,, aFr, element.func);
     // Hungarian language locale
     static const lang::Locale aHu(u"hu"_ustr, u""_ustr, u""_ustr);
-    static const TransItem pHu[] = {
-        { u"CÍM", "ADDRESS", ocCell },
-        { u"OSZLOP", "COL", ocCell },
-        { u"SZÍN", "COLOR", ocCell },
-        { u"TARTALOM", "CONTENTS", ocCell },
-        { u"SZÉLES", "WIDTH", ocCell },
-        { u"SOR", "ROW", ocCell },
-        { u"FILENÉV", "FILENAME", ocCell },
-        { u"PREFIX", "PREFIX", ocCell },
-        { u"VÉDETT", "PROTECT", ocCell },
-        { u"KOORD", "COORD", ocCell },
-        { u"FORMA", "FORMAT", ocCell },
-        { u"ZÁRÓJELEK", "PARENTHESES", ocCell },
-        { u"LAP", "SHEET", ocCell },
-        { u"TÍPUS", "TYPE", ocCell },
-        { u"FILESZÁM", "NUMFILE", ocInfo },
-        { u"SZÁMOLÁS", "RECALC", ocInfo },
-        { u"RENDSZER", "SYSTEM", ocInfo },
-        { u"VERZIÓ", "RELEASE", ocInfo },
-        { u"OPRENDSZER", "OSVERSION", ocInfo },
+    static constexpr TransItem pHu[] = {
+        { u"CÍM"_ustr, u"ADDRESS"_ustr, ocCell },
+        { u"OSZLOP"_ustr, u"COL"_ustr, ocCell },
+        { u"SZÍN"_ustr, u"COLOR"_ustr, ocCell },
+        { u"TARTALOM"_ustr, u"CONTENTS"_ustr, ocCell },
+        { u"SZÉLES"_ustr, u"WIDTH"_ustr, ocCell },
+        { u"SOR"_ustr, u"ROW"_ustr, ocCell },
+        { u"FILENÉV"_ustr, u"FILENAME"_ustr, ocCell },
+        { u"PREFIX"_ustr, u"PREFIX"_ustr, ocCell },
+        { u"VÉDETT"_ustr, u"PROTECT"_ustr, ocCell },
+        { u"KOORD"_ustr, u"COORD"_ustr, ocCell },
+        { u"FORMA"_ustr, u"FORMAT"_ustr, ocCell },
+        { u"ZÁRÓJELEK"_ustr, u"PARENTHESES"_ustr, ocCell },
+        { u"LAP"_ustr, u"SHEET"_ustr, ocCell },
+        { u"TÍPUS"_ustr, u"TYPE"_ustr, ocCell },
+        { u"FILESZÁM"_ustr, u"NUMFILE"_ustr, ocInfo },
+        { u"SZÁMOLÁS"_ustr, u"RECALC"_ustr, ocInfo },
+        { u"RENDSZER"_ustr, u"SYSTEM"_ustr, ocInfo },
+        { u"VERZIÓ"_ustr, u"RELEASE"_ustr, ocInfo },
+        { u"OPRENDSZER"_ustr, u"OSVERSION"_ustr, ocInfo },
     for (const auto& element : pHu)
-        addToMap(OUString(element.from),, aHu, element.func);
+        addToMap(element.from,, aHu, element.func);
     // German language locale
     static const lang::Locale aDe(u"de"_ustr, u""_ustr, u""_ustr);
-    static const TransItem pDe[] = {
-        { u"ZEILE", "ROW", ocCell },
-        { u"SPALTE", "COL", ocCell },
-        { u"BREITE", "WIDTH", ocCell },
-        { u"ADRESSE", "ADDRESS", ocCell },
-        { u"DATEINAME", "FILENAME", ocCell },
-        { u"FARBE", "COLOR", ocCell },
-        { u"FORMAT", "FORMAT", ocCell },
-        { u"INHALT", "CONTENTS", ocCell },
-        { u"KLAMMERN", "PARENTHESES", ocCell },
-        { u"SCHUTZ", "PROTECT", ocCell },
-        { u"TYP", "TYPE", ocCell },
-        { u"PRÄFIX", "PREFIX", ocCell },
-        { u"BLATT", "SHEET", ocCell },
-        { u"KOORD", "COORD", ocCell },
+    static constexpr TransItem pDe[] = {
+        { u"ZEILE"_ustr, u"ROW"_ustr, ocCell },
+        { u"SPALTE"_ustr, u"COL"_ustr, ocCell },
+        { u"BREITE"_ustr, u"WIDTH"_ustr, ocCell },
+        { u"ADRESSE"_ustr, u"ADDRESS"_ustr, ocCell },
+        { u"DATEINAME"_ustr, u"FILENAME"_ustr, ocCell },
+        { u"FARBE"_ustr, u"COLOR"_ustr, ocCell },
+        { u"FORMAT"_ustr, u"FORMAT"_ustr, ocCell },
+        { u"INHALT"_ustr, u"CONTENTS"_ustr, ocCell },
+        { u"KLAMMERN"_ustr, u"PARENTHESES"_ustr, ocCell },
+        { u"SCHUTZ"_ustr, u"PROTECT"_ustr, ocCell },
+        { u"TYP"_ustr, u"TYPE"_ustr, ocCell },
+        { u"PRÄFIX"_ustr, u"PREFIX"_ustr, ocCell },
+        { u"BLATT"_ustr, u"SHEET"_ustr, ocCell },
+        { u"KOORD"_ustr, u"COORD"_ustr, ocCell },
     for (const auto& element : pDe)
-        addToMap(OUString(element.from),, aDe, element.func);
+        addToMap(element.from,, aDe, element.func);
-void ScCellKeywordTranslator::addToMap(const OUString& rKey, const char* 
pName, const lang::Locale& rLocale, OpCode eOpCode)
+void ScCellKeywordTranslator::addToMap(const OUString& rKey, const OUString& 
pName, const lang::Locale& rLocale, OpCode eOpCode)
     ScCellKeyword aKeyItem( pName, eOpCode, rLocale );

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