   |    4 
   |  246 ----------
 |   99 ----
  |   35 -
   |    6 
 5 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 388 deletions(-)

New commits:
commit 9a8234e081c97fafcda009746828f3d01195fe3b
Author:     Xisco Fauli <>
AuthorDate: Wed Jan 8 09:25:52 2025 +0100
Commit:     Xisco Fauli <>
CommitDate: Wed Jan 8 12:32:23 2025 +0100

    libpng: upgrade to 1.6.45
    All three patches are upstreamed.
    Downloaded from
    Change-Id: I61d336704b96e2a25d92b4512507cc168648ddec
    Tested-by: Jenkins
    Reviewed-by: Xisco Fauli <>

diff --git a/download.lst b/download.lst
index ab9ad6661a27..c27d803cee53 100644
--- a/download.lst
+++ b/download.lst
@@ -568,8 +568,8 @@ PIXMAN_TARBALL := pixman-0.42.2.tar.gz
 # three static lines
 # so that git cherry-pick
 # will not run into conflicts
-LIBPNG_TARBALL := libpng-1.6.44.tar.xz
+LIBPNG_TARBALL := libpng-1.6.45.tar.xz
 # three static lines
 # so that git cherry-pick
 # will not run into conflicts
diff --git a/external/libpng/0001-ACES-AP0-adjusted-fixes.patch.1 
deleted file mode 100644
index 7706f71139bb..000000000000
--- a/external/libpng/0001-ACES-AP0-adjusted-fixes.patch.1
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,246 +0,0 @@
-From 521e8e8f7f3ef05135380d5b755e147826364da5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: John Bowler <>
-Date: Mon, 16 Sep 2024 17:30:38 -0700
-Subject: [PATCH] ACES AP0 adjusted fixes
-The subtracts in PNG_XYZ_from_xy are producing integer overflow with
-some valid but extreme xy values.  This re-introduces the previous
-checks but with less limited bounds; sufficient to accomodate the
-ACEScg end points (ACES AP1) but not for the ACES AP0 end points.  Those
-were not working anyway because libpng reads the cHRM parameters as
-unsigned values so they must always be at least 0.
-A better solution requires recognizing reasonable negative values (ones
-which violate the current spec) and allowing them too, at least on read.
-Signed-off-by: John Bowler <>
- png.c | 156 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------
- 1 file changed, 120 insertions(+), 36 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/png.c b/png.c
-index 500daea5f..8a1e2a451 100644
---- a/png.c
-+++ b/png.c
-@@ -1203,22 +1203,66 @@ png_colorspace_sync(png_const_structrp png_ptr, 
png_inforp info_ptr)
- #endif /* GAMMA */
--static int
--png_safe_add(png_int_32 *addend0_and_result, png_int_32 addend1,
--      png_int_32 addend2) {
--   /* Safely add three integers.  Returns 0 on success, 1 on overlow.
-+static png_int_32
-+png_fp_add(png_int_32 addend0, png_int_32 addend1, int *error)
-+   /* Safely add two fixed point values setting an error flag and returning 
-+    * on overflow.
-     * IMPLEMENTATION NOTE: ANSI requires signed overflow not to occur, 
-     * relying on addition of two positive values producing a negative one is 
-     * safe.
-     */
--   int addend0 = *addend0_and_result;
--   if (0x7fffffff - addend0 < addend1)
--      return 1;
--   addend0 += addend1;
--   if (0x7fffffff - addend1 < addend2)
--      return 1;
--   *addend0_and_result = addend0 + addend2;
--   return 0;
-+   if (addend0 > 0)
-+   {
-+      if (0x7fffffff - addend0 >= addend1)
-+         return addend0+addend1;
-+   }
-+   else if (addend0 < 0)
-+   {
-+      if (-0x7fffffff - addend0 <= addend1)
-+         return addend0+addend1;
-+   }
-+   else
-+      return addend1;
-+   *error = 1;
-+   return PNG_FP_1/2;
-+static png_int_32
-+png_fp_sub(png_int_32 addend0, png_int_32 addend1, int *error)
-+   /* As above but calculate addend0-addend1. */
-+   if (addend1 > 0)
-+   {
-+      if (-0x7fffffff + addend1 <= addend0)
-+         return addend0-addend1;
-+   }
-+   else if (addend1 < 0)
-+   {
-+      if (0x7fffffff + addend1 >= addend0)
-+         return addend0+addend1;
-+   }
-+   else
-+      return addend0;
-+   *error = 1;
-+   return PNG_FP_1/2;
-+static int
-+png_safe_add(png_int_32 *addend0_and_result, png_int_32 addend1,
-+      png_int_32 addend2)
-+   /* Safely add three integers.  Returns 0 on success, 1 on overflow.  Does 
-+    * set the result on overflow.
-+    */
-+   int error = 0;
-+   int result = png_fp_add(*addend0_and_result,
-+                           png_fp_add(addend1, addend2, &error),
-+                           &error);
-+   if (!error) *addend0_and_result = result;
-+   return error;
- }
- /* Added at libpng-1.5.5 to support read and write of true CIEXYZ values for
-@@ -1289,6 +1333,29 @@ png_XYZ_from_xy(png_XYZ *XYZ, const png_xy *xy)
-    png_fixed_point red_inverse, green_inverse, blue_scale;
-    png_fixed_point left, right, denominator;
-+   /* Check xy and, implicitly, z.  Note that wide gamut color spaces 
-+    * have end points with 0 tristimulus values (these are impossible end
-+    * points, but they are used to cover the possible colors).  We check
-+    * xy->whitey against 5, not 0, to avoid a possible integer overflow.
-+    *
-+    * The limits here will *not* accept ACES AP0, where bluey is -7700
-+    * (-0.0770) because the PNG spec itself requires the xy values to be
-+    * unsigned.  whitey is also required to be 5 or more to avoid overflow.
-+    *
-+    * Instead the upper limits have been relaxed to accomodate ACES AP1 where
-+    * redz ends up as -600 (-0.006).  ProPhotoRGB was already "in range."
-+    * The new limit accomodates the AP0 and AP1 ranges for z but not AP0 redy.
-+    */
-+   const png_fixed_point fpLimit = PNG_FP_1+(PNG_FP_1/10);
-+   if (xy->redx   < 0 || xy->redx > fpLimit) return 1;
-+   if (xy->redy   < 0 || xy->redy > fpLimit-xy->redx) return 1;
-+   if (xy->greenx < 0 || xy->greenx > fpLimit) return 1;
-+   if (xy->greeny < 0 || xy->greeny > fpLimit-xy->greenx) return 1;
-+   if (xy->bluex  < 0 || xy->bluex > fpLimit) return 1;
-+   if (xy->bluey  < 0 || xy->bluey > fpLimit-xy->bluex) return 1;
-+   if (xy->whitex < 0 || xy->whitex > fpLimit) return 1;
-+   if (xy->whitey < 5 || xy->whitey > fpLimit-xy->whitex) return 1;
-    /* The reverse calculation is more difficult because the original 
-     * value had 9 independent values (red,green,blue)x(X,Y,Z) however only 8
-     * derived values were recorded in the cHRM chunk;
-@@ -1432,18 +1499,23 @@ png_XYZ_from_xy(png_XYZ *XYZ, const png_xy *xy)
-     *  (green-x - blue-x)*(red-y - blue-y)-(green-y - blue-y)*(red-x - blue-x)
-     *
-     * Accuracy:
--    * The input values have 5 decimal digits of accuracy.  The values are all 
--    * the range 0 < value < 1, so simple products are in the same range but 
--    * need up to 10 decimal digits to preserve the original precision and 
--    * underflow.  Because we are using a 32-bit signed representation we 
--    * match this; the best is a little over 9 decimal digits, less than 10.
-+    * The input values have 5 decimal digits of accuracy.
-+    *
-+    * In the previous implementation the values were all in the range 0 < 
-+    * < 1, so simple products are in the same range but may need up to 10
-+    * decimal digits to preserve the original precision and avoid underflow.
-+    * Because we are using a 32-bit signed representation we cannot match 
-+    * the best is a little over 9 decimal digits, less than 10.
-+    *
-+    * This range has now been extended to allow values up to 1.1, or 110,000 
-+    * fixed point.
-     *
-     * The approach used here is to preserve the maximum precision within the
-     * signed representation.  Because the red-scale calculation above uses the
--    * difference between two products of values that must be in the range 
--    * it is sufficient to divide the product by 7; ceil(100,000/32767*2).  The
--    * factor is irrelevant in the calculation because it is applied to both
--    * numerator and denominator.
-+    * difference between two products of values that must be in the range
-+    * -1.1..+1.1 it is sufficient to divide the product by 8;
-+    * ceil(121,000/32767*2).  The factor is irrelevant in the calculation
-+    * because it is applied to both numerator and denominator.
-     *
-     * Note that the values of the differences of the products of the
-     * chromaticities in the above equations tend to be small, for example for
-@@ -1465,19 +1537,25 @@ png_XYZ_from_xy(png_XYZ *XYZ, const png_xy *xy)
-     *  Adobe Wide Gamut RGB
-     *    0.258728243040113 0.724682314948566 0.016589442011321
-     */
--   /* By the argument, above overflow should be impossible here. The return
--    * value of 2 indicates an internal error to the caller.
-+   int error = 0;
-+   /* By the argument above overflow should be impossible here, however the
-+    * code now simply returns a failure code.  The xy subtracts in the 
-+    * to png_muldiv are *not* checked for overflow because the checks at the
-+    * start guarantee they are in the range 0..110000 and png_fixed_point is a
-+    * 32-bit signed number.
-     */
--   if (png_muldiv(&left, xy->greenx-xy->bluex, xy->redy - xy->bluey, 7) == 0)
-+   if (png_muldiv(&left, xy->greenx-xy->bluex, xy->redy - xy->bluey, 8) == 0)
-       return 1;
--   if (png_muldiv(&right, xy->greeny-xy->bluey, xy->redx - xy->bluex, 7) == 0)
-+   if (png_muldiv(&right, xy->greeny-xy->bluey, xy->redx - xy->bluex, 8) == 0)
-       return 1;
--   denominator = left - right;
-+   denominator = png_fp_sub(left, right, &error);
-+   if (error) return 1;
-    /* Now find the red numerator. */
--   if (png_muldiv(&left, xy->greenx-xy->bluex, xy->whitey-xy->bluey, 7) == 0)
-+   if (png_muldiv(&left, xy->greenx-xy->bluex, xy->whitey-xy->bluey, 8) == 0)
-       return 1;
--   if (png_muldiv(&right, xy->greeny-xy->bluey, xy->whitex-xy->bluex, 7) == 0)
-+   if (png_muldiv(&right, xy->greeny-xy->bluey, xy->whitex-xy->bluex, 8) == 0)
-       return 1;
-    /* Overflow is possible here and it indicates an extreme set of PNG cHRM
-@@ -1485,29 +1563,35 @@ png_XYZ_from_xy(png_XYZ *XYZ, const png_xy *xy)
-     * scale value because this allows us to delay the multiplication of 
-     * into the denominator, which tends to produce a small number.
-     */
--   if (png_muldiv(&red_inverse, xy->whitey, denominator, left-right) == 0 ||
-+   if (png_muldiv(&red_inverse, xy->whitey, denominator,
-+                  png_fp_sub(left, right, &error)) == 0 || error ||
-        red_inverse <= xy->whitey /* r+g+b scales = white scale */)
-       return 1;
-    /* Similarly for green_inverse: */
--   if (png_muldiv(&left, xy->redy-xy->bluey, xy->whitex-xy->bluex, 7) == 0)
-+   if (png_muldiv(&left, xy->redy-xy->bluey, xy->whitex-xy->bluex, 8) == 0)
-       return 1;
--   if (png_muldiv(&right, xy->redx-xy->bluex, xy->whitey-xy->bluey, 7) == 0)
-+   if (png_muldiv(&right, xy->redx-xy->bluex, xy->whitey-xy->bluey, 8) == 0)
-       return 1;
--   if (png_muldiv(&green_inverse, xy->whitey, denominator, left-right) == 0 ||
-+   if (png_muldiv(&green_inverse, xy->whitey, denominator,
-+                  png_fp_sub(left, right, &error)) == 0 || error ||
-        green_inverse <= xy->whitey)
-       return 1;
-    /* And the blue scale, the checks above guarantee this can't overflow but 
-     * can still produce 0 for extreme cHRM values.
-     */
--   blue_scale = png_reciprocal(xy->whitey) - png_reciprocal(red_inverse) -
--       png_reciprocal(green_inverse);
--   if (blue_scale <= 0)
-+   blue_scale = png_fp_sub(png_fp_sub(png_reciprocal(xy->whitey),
-+                                      png_reciprocal(red_inverse), &error),
-+                           png_reciprocal(green_inverse), &error);
-+   if (error || blue_scale <= 0)
-       return 1;
--   /* And fill in the png_XYZ: */
-+   /* And fill in the png_XYZ.  Again the subtracts are safe because of the
-+    * checks on the xy values at the start (the subtracts just calculate the
-+    * corresponding z values.)
-+    */
-    if (png_muldiv(&XYZ->red_X, xy->redx, PNG_FP_1, red_inverse) == 0)
-       return 1;
-    if (png_muldiv(&XYZ->red_Y, xy->redy, PNG_FP_1, red_inverse) == 0)
diff --git 
deleted file mode 100644
index 90b4d385fadd..000000000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
-From 65470ac86c9d479e18c58c181170163925b5f9a1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: John Bowler <>
-Date: Sat, 12 Oct 2024 14:55:03 -0700
-Subject: [PATCH] fix: Avoid integer overflows in function `png_xy_from_XYZ`
-This is a cherry-picked of commit f45531cc141dc20dc7a4046bbe92270b1e799a5d
-from branch 'libpng18'.
-Reviewed-by: Cosmin Truta <>
-Signed-off-by: John Bowler <>
-Signed-off-by: Cosmin Truta <>
- png.c | 40 ++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------
- 1 file changed, 24 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/png.c b/png.c
-index 8cd0179a8..d99e2643b 100644
---- a/png.c
-+++ b/png.c
-@@ -1272,7 +1272,7 @@ png_safe_add(png_int_32 *addend0_and_result, png_int_32 
- static int
- png_xy_from_XYZ(png_xy *xy, const png_XYZ *XYZ)
- {
--   png_int_32 d, dred, dgreen, dwhite, whiteX, whiteY;
-+   png_int_32 d, dred, dgreen, dblue, dwhite, whiteX, whiteY;
-    /* 'd' in each of the blocks below is just X+Y+Z for each component,
-     * x, y and z are X,Y,Z/(X+Y+Z).
-@@ -1280,44 +1280,52 @@ png_xy_from_XYZ(png_xy *xy, const png_XYZ *XYZ)
-    d = XYZ->red_X;
-    if (png_safe_add(&d, XYZ->red_Y, XYZ->red_Z))
-       return 1;
--   if (png_muldiv(&xy->redx, XYZ->red_X, PNG_FP_1, d) == 0)
-+   dred = d;
-+   if (png_muldiv(&xy->redx, XYZ->red_X, PNG_FP_1, dred) == 0)
-       return 1;
--   if (png_muldiv(&xy->redy, XYZ->red_Y, PNG_FP_1, d) == 0)
-+   if (png_muldiv(&xy->redy, XYZ->red_Y, PNG_FP_1, dred) == 0)
-       return 1;
--   dred = d;
--   whiteX = XYZ->red_X;
--   whiteY = XYZ->red_Y;
-    d = XYZ->green_X;
-    if (png_safe_add(&d, XYZ->green_Y, XYZ->green_Z))
-       return 1;
--   if (png_muldiv(&xy->greenx, XYZ->green_X, PNG_FP_1, d) == 0)
-+   dgreen = d;
-+   if (png_muldiv(&xy->greenx, XYZ->green_X, PNG_FP_1, dgreen) == 0)
-       return 1;
--   if (png_muldiv(&xy->greeny, XYZ->green_Y, PNG_FP_1, d) == 0)
-+   if (png_muldiv(&xy->greeny, XYZ->green_Y, PNG_FP_1, dgreen) == 0)
-       return 1;
--   dgreen = d;
--   whiteX += XYZ->green_X;
--   whiteY += XYZ->green_Y;
-    d = XYZ->blue_X;
-    if (png_safe_add(&d, XYZ->blue_Y, XYZ->blue_Z))
-       return 1;
--   if (png_muldiv(&xy->bluex, XYZ->blue_X, PNG_FP_1, d) == 0)
-+   dblue = d;
-+   if (png_muldiv(&xy->bluex, XYZ->blue_X, PNG_FP_1, dblue) == 0)
-       return 1;
--   if (png_muldiv(&xy->bluey, XYZ->blue_Y, PNG_FP_1, d) == 0)
-+   if (png_muldiv(&xy->bluey, XYZ->blue_Y, PNG_FP_1, dblue) == 0)
-       return 1;
--   whiteX += XYZ->blue_X;
--   whiteY += XYZ->blue_Y;
-    /* The reference white is simply the sum of the end-point (X,Y,Z) vectors 
-     * the fillowing calculates (X+Y+Z) of the reference white (media white,
-     * encoding white) itself:
-     */
-+   d = dblue;
-    if (png_safe_add(&d, dred, dgreen))
-       return 1;
-    dwhite = d;
-+   /* Find the white X,Y values from the sum of the red, green and blue X,Y
-+    * values.
-+    */
-+   d = XYZ->red_X;
-+   if (png_safe_add(&d, XYZ->green_X, XYZ->blue_X))
-+      return 1;
-+   whiteX = d;
-+   d = XYZ->red_Y;
-+   if (png_safe_add(&d, XYZ->green_Y, XYZ->blue_Y))
-+      return 1;
-+   whiteY = d;
-    if (png_muldiv(&xy->whitex, whiteX, PNG_FP_1, dwhite) == 0)
-       return 1;
-    if (png_muldiv(&xy->whitey, whiteY, PNG_FP_1, dwhite) == 0)
diff --git 
deleted file mode 100644
index 59a8ccc32c6d..000000000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-From f14d5fcd1efec749d0137162efbee6013757494b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: John Bowler <>
-Date: Thu, 10 Oct 2024 08:40:41 -0700
-Subject: [PATCH] [libpng16] fix: Correct the function `png_fp_sub` in png.c
-The code erroneously evaluated `addend0+addend1` in the case where
-`addend1` is less than zero.  The function is meant to subtract the
-second argument from the first.
-This is a cherry-pick of commit 79fd6d1edc8fe8c41ed58c6318bd57761d8f007e
-from branch 'libpng18'.
-Reviewed-by: Cosmin Truta <>
-Signed-off-by: John Bowler <>
-Signed-off-by: Cosmin Truta <>
- png.c | 2 +-
- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
-diff --git a/png.c b/png.c
-index 8a1e2a451..240db5ab9 100644
---- a/png.c
-+++ b/png.c
-@@ -1241,7 +1241,7 @@ png_fp_sub(png_int_32 addend0, png_int_32 addend1, int 
-    else if (addend1 < 0)
-    {
-       if (0x7fffffff + addend1 >= addend0)
--         return addend0+addend1;
-+         return addend0-addend1;
-    }
-    else
-       return addend0;
diff --git a/external/libpng/ 
index 461b40931708..dca4e4b5cfe9 100644
--- a/external/libpng/
+++ b/external/libpng/
@@ -15,10 +15,4 @@ $(eval $(call gb_UnpackedTarball_add_files,libpng,.,\
        external/libpng/configs/pnglibconf.h \
-$(eval $(call gb_UnpackedTarball_add_patches,libpng,\
-       external/libpng/0001-ACES-AP0-adjusted-fixes.patch.1 \
 # vim: set noet sw=4 ts=4:

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