A mentee reported a failure of this test and it fails for me as well when running with

CPPUNIT_TEST_NAME="testTdf146756" make CppunitTest_chart2_import

/home/user/libreofficetwo/test/source/xmltesttools.cxx:169:(anonymous namespace)::testTdf146756::TestBody
equality assertion failed
- Expected: 1697
- Actual  : 2013
- In <>, attribute 'sizeY' of '//XShape[@text='New service request and approval; 18%']' incorrect value.

We both use Linux.

Test is in chart2/qa/extras/chart2import.cxx line 2045. It checks the height of a pie chart label in the second slide of chart2/qa/extras/data/pptx/tdf146756_bestFit.pptx

Comment says:
// Expected something like 4 lines tall(1697), not 11 lines(3817).

It is 4 lines tall for me when opened. Font is Carlito, which is present.

Test added in https://gerrit.libreoffice.org/c/core/+/162704


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