would be interested as well.

Le 05.08.24 à 20:54, Dione Maddern a écrit :
Hi all. I'm part of the Documentation team, currently working on the Offline Help for LibreOffice. I've noticed that a number of components in the the UI have missing or wrong HIDs (E.g. Bug 159505 (https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/show_bug.cgi?id=159505). This makes it impossible to link them to the correct Help page. As a result there are a number of Documentation bugs that we can't address.

The problem seems to mainly affect the Menu Bar, which seems to work a little differently from other parts of the UI. I gather that adding the HIDs would involve editing the source code for the relevant component.

Would somebody be willing to show me how to find the right files and add the HIDs?

Sorry if I'm using the wrong terminology. I have a basic knowledge of coding but I'm not from a software development background.

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