source/text/shared/01/02100001.xhp |    8 ++++----
 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
New commits:
commit 3a192b621db3644d50544a64f56ac34909711f92
Author:     Pierre F <>
AuthorDate: Mon Mar 11 20:46:04 2024 +0100
Commit:     Adolfo Jayme Barrientos <>
CommitDate: Mon Mar 11 23:48:34 2024 +0100

    clarify match/replace. tdf#153212
    Change-Id: I019014574dc1fda4850363aecb70d083a89c0fec
    Tested-by: Jenkins
    Reviewed-by: Adolfo Jayme Barrientos <>

diff --git a/source/text/shared/01/02100001.xhp 
index e96b9854c8..33925f27dc 100644
--- a/source/text/shared/01/02100001.xhp
+++ b/source/text/shared/01/02100001.xhp
@@ -250,14 +250,14 @@
                 <paragraph id="par_id871559576709007" role="listitem">To 
enclose a set of ‘|’ alternatives. For example, the regular expression 
"b(oo|ac)k" matches both "book" and "back".</paragraph>
-                <paragraph id="par_id891559576747109" role="listitem">To group 
terms in a complex expression to be operated on by the post-fix operators: "*", 
"+" and "?" along with the post-fix repetition operators. For example, the 
regular expression "a(bc)?d" matches both "ad" and "abcd" in a search.; the 
regular expression "M(iss){2}ippi" matches "Mississippi".</paragraph>
+                <paragraph id="par_id891559576747109" role="listitem">To group 
terms in a complex expression to be operated on by the post-fix operators: "*", 
"+" and "?" along with the post-fix repetition operators. For example, the 
regular expression "a(bc)?d" matches both "ad" and "abcd"; "M(iss){2}ippi" 
matches "Mississippi".</paragraph>
-                <paragraph id="par_id801559576780692" role="listitem">To 
record the matched sub string inside the parentheses as a reference for later 
use in the <widget>Find</widget> box using the "
" construct or in the <widget>Replace</widget> box using the "$n" construct. 
The reference to the first match is represented by "" in the 
<widget>Find</widget> box and by "$1" in the <widget>Replace</widget> box. The 
reference to the second matched sub string by "" and "$2" respectively, and so 
+                <paragraph id="par_id801559576780692" role="listitem">To 
reference the matched sub string inside the parentheses for later use. The "\N" 
construct is used in the <widget>Find</widget> box, the "$N" construct is used 
in the <widget>Replace</widget> box. "N" being a digit, the reference to the 
first match is represented by "" in the <widget>Find</widget> box and by "$1" 
in the <widget>Replace</widget> box; "" and "$2" reference to the second 
matched, and so on.</paragraph>
-        <paragraph role="paragraph" id="par_id951559576846997">For example, 
the regular expression "(890)7" matches "8907890890".</paragraph>
-        <paragraph role="paragraph" id="par_id561559576865734">With the 
regular expression "(fruit|truth)" in the Find box and the regular expression 
"$1ful" in the Replace box occurrences of the words "fruit" and "truth" can be 
replaced with the words "fruitful" and "truthful" respectively without 
affecting the words "fruitfully" and "truthfully"</paragraph>
+        <paragraph role="paragraph" id="par_id951559576846997">For example, 
the regular expression "(890)xyz" matches "890xy890z890".</paragraph>
+        <paragraph role="paragraph" id="par_id561559576865734">With the 
regular expression "(fruit|truth)" in the Find box, and the replacement 
expression "$1ful" in the Replace box, occurrences of "fruit" and "truth" are 
replaced with "fruitful" and "truthful" respectively. Note: "" prevents 
"fruitfully" or "truthfully" from matching.</paragraph>

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