
my name is Flávio Moringa, I'm from Portugal and I'm starting my Masters
Dissertation next September (Master in Open Source software -
http://moss.dcti.iscte.pt ).

I'm the Caixa Mágica project leader, the main Linux distribution in
Portugal (http://www.caixamagica.pt), with deploys reaching almost a
million machines with our Linux distribution, mainly in Education.

I chose as my masters dissertation investigation topic trying to improve
the document conversion engine in LibreOffice (ex: converting docx to odt),
and as such I would like to know who is working on the conversion engines
and how can I help.

I'm not a programmer, so what I'm interested in doing is something in the
lines of investigating the main conversion problems, identifying the
possible conversion flows, analysing the way the conversion flow is
implemented in LibreOffice, and eventually trying to improve this flow

For now I'd like just to get to know the people involved, development
plans, and all informatioin you find relevant.

Hope to ear from you. You can contact-me directly if you which at:

Your's trully

*Flávio Moringa*
Project Leader

Caixa Mágica Software
Energia Open Source
Rua Soeiro Pereira Gomes, Lote 1 - 4.º B,
Edifício Espanha, 1600-196 Lisboa - Portugal
Tel.: +351 217 921 260 Fax: +351 217 921 261
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